The GOP Is Quietly Adding Climate Denial to Government Spending Bills
Beholden to fossil fuel industry donors, congressional Republicans are quietly inserting provisions into government spending bills that undermine the US government’s ability to respond to the worsening climate crisis.
#assault #threat #global #GOP #fossilfuel #bribery #dangerous #manslaughter #socialmurder #climatedisplacement #profit
#assault #threat #global #gop #fossilfuel #bribery #dangerous #manslaughter #socialmurder #climatedisplacement #profit
destroy fascist narratives.
#charliekirk #shutdown #fascism #playbook #destroydominationnarratives #fascist #honduras #exceptionalism #coup #neocolonialism #socialmurder #corporateassassins
#charliekirk #shutdown #fascism #Playbook #destroydominationnarratives #Fascist #Honduras #exceptionalism #coup #neocolonialism #socialmurder #corporateassassins
pop in for a visit.
#bohemiangrove #elitefuckery #planningfascism #sociopathsmeet #socialmurder
#bohemiangrove #elitefuckery #planningfascism #sociopathsmeet #socialmurder
Child Labor in America Is Back—and It’s As Chilling as Ever
It should be a reminder of how deeply retrogressive capitalism has once again become both here at home and elsewhere across the planet.
#childexploiters #profit #socialmurder #institutionalimpunity #killerpolicies #attackingchildren #lostgeneration #capitalism #dominationsystem
#childexploiters #profit #socialmurder #institutionalimpunity #killerpolicies #attackingchildren #LostGeneration #capitalism #dominationsystem
Texas worker accused of being on drugs was actually dying of heatstroke
Mother of Gabriel Infante, 24, sues employer for $1m, saying construction workers had no protections from extreme heat
#fascismkills #negligentemployer #protectedexploitation #noOSHA #heatstroke #BCommConstructors #SanAntonio #GregAbbott #SocialMurder #StructuralViolence #impunity
#FascismKills #negligentemployer #protectedexploitation #noosha #heatstroke #bcommconstructors #sanantonio #gregabbott #socialmurder #structuralviolence #impunity
Exclusive: Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants, records say
According to the email, a pregnant woman having a miscarriage was found late last month caught in the wire, doubled over in pain. A four-year-old girl passed out from heat exhaustion after she tried to go through it and was pushed back by Texas National Guard soldiers. A teenager broke his leg trying to navigate the water around the wire and had to be carried by his father.
#texas #humanrights #crimesagainsthumanity #gregabbott #nazi #killingmigrants #socialmurder #razorwire #bouys #sadism #evil
#texas #humanrights #crimesagainsthumanity #gregabbott #nazi #killingmigrants #socialmurder #razorwire #bouys #sadism #evil
Iran’s Morality Police Returns To Streets With Vengeance
The ‘morality’ police in Iran have returned to the streets of Tehran and other cities ahead of the first anniversary of Mahsa Amini's death in police custody.
#womensrights #humanrights #theocracy #tyranny #zealotry #regime #abuse #murder #socialmurder #structuralviolence #delegitimizingreligion
#womensrights #humanrights #theocracy #tyranny #zealotry #regime #abuse #murder #socialmurder #structuralviolence #delegitimizingreligion
Left in Waves: Italy’s New Immigration Decree Endangers the Lives of Migrants and Refugees at Sea - Refugee Law Initiative Blog
Italy’s recent immigration decree, which imposes restrictions upon rescue activities of Search and Rescue NGOs at sea, puts the lives of migrants and refugees at significant risk and constitutes a violation of Italy’s legal obligations under international maritime law and international human rights law.
#Fascism #Murder #StructuralMurder #SocialMurder #InstitutionalSanitization #Racism #Sociopathy
#fascism #murder #structuralmurder #socialmurder #institutionalsanitization #racism #sociopathy
Het Chemcoursbericht herinnert mij aan de asbestfabriek die mensen decennia onbeschermd liet werken, met medeweten van de overheid, terwijl de gevaren allang bekend waren. Zie deze Andere Tijden:
"Dat de overheid niet genoeg stappen ondernam kwam mede door de grote druk van de asbest industrie. Hoe ver de macht van de industrie reikte, blijkt uit een voorlichtingsblad dat in 1971 is uitgegeven door het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid. De inhoud werd grotendeels door de industrie gedicteerd, het woord kanker kwam in het gehele blad niet voor." Parallelen met Covid19-beleid?
#corporatocracy #kankerverwekkende_stoffen #PFAS #asbest #Chemcours #zembla #SocialeMoord #SocialMurder #kapitalisme #corona #COVID19 #Necropolitics #DuPont
#corporatocracy #kankerverwekkende_stoffen #PFAS #asbest #chemcours #zembla #socialemoord #socialmurder #kapitalisme #corona #COVID19 #Necropolitics #dupont
Het Chemcoursbericht herinnert mij aan de asbestfabriek die mensen decennia onbeschermd liet werken, met medeweten van de overheid, terwijl de gevaren allang bekend waren. Zie deze Andere Tijden:
"Dat de overheid niet genoeg stappen ondernam kwam mede door de grote druk van de asbest industrie. Hoe ver de macht van de industrie reikte, blijkt uit een voorlichtingsblad dat in 1971 is uitgegeven door het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid. De inhoud werd grotendeels door de industrie gedicteerd, het woord kanker kwam in het gehele blad niet voor." Parallelen met Covid19-beleid?
#corporatocracy #kankerverwekkende_stoffen #PFAS #asbest #Chemcours #zembla #SocialeMoord #SocialMurder #kapitalisme #corona #COVID19 #Necropolitics
#corporatocracy #kankerverwekkende_stoffen #PFAS #asbest #chemcours #zembla #socialemoord #socialmurder #kapitalisme #corona #COVID19 #Necropolitics
Mass General Hospital tells patients they cannot even ASK providers to wear a mask.
#covidisnotover #disabilityinjustice #survivaloftherichest #socialmurder
Maybe not quite "eugenics," not quite "genocide," but letting people die is bad. Essay by Marie Snyder.
#Covid #Eugenics #Genocide
#DisabilityJustice #Ageism
#covidisnotover #covid #eugenics #genocide #disabilityjustice #ageism #socialmurder
#Solidarity with #Vancouver comrades as this horror takes place.
City says it has requested police support to 'bring the East Hastings encampment to a close'
The letter says the plan will only serve to further traumatize the community and perpetuate tensions between police, city officials and DTES residents. It also says 89 units of housing promised by the city and province are not yet available and that city's actions will not get people off the streets.
"We call on the City of Vancouver and the Province of British Columbia to prioritize the provision of adequate housing and support services for those in need first, rather than displace individuals," said the letter, signed by The Coordinated Community Response Network (CCRN), Exchange Inner City, and the Vancouver Urban Core Frontline Worker's Association.
#SocialMurder #StateViolence #HousingForAll #HousingIsAHumanRight #HousingNow #FuckThePolice #PoliceDontKeepUsSafe #ACAB #FTP #YVR
#solidarity #vancouver #socialmurder #stateviolence #housingforall #housingisahumanright #HousingNow #fuckthepolice #policedontkeepussafe #acab #ftp #yvr
Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant
BMJ 2021; 372 doi: (Published 04 February 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;372:n314
A View From the World Federation of Public Health Associations
Jadad, A.R. Facing leadership that kills. J Public Health Pol 42, 651–657 (2021).
"Living without a home kills. Poverty kills. … It really is social murder."
#EliminatePoverty to end #SocialMurder
#eliminatepoverty #socialmurder #poverty
The Italian government has ended the #homeworking decree for the #clinicallyvulnerable which means hundreds, probably thousands of #disabled Italians will now, to put it bluntly, die
How is this anything other than an official policy of eugenics and #SocialMurder ?
#socialmurder #disabled #clinicallyvulnerable #homeworking
Its time we launched the idea of ‘social murder’
In other words, unnecessary deaths as a result of economic and political decisions.
This is what’s happening in the #NHS the moment. Up to 500 unnecessary deaths a week due to political and economic decisions
Its #SocialMurder
Its time we launched the idea of ‘social murder’
In other words, unnecessary deaths as a result of economic and political decisions.
This is what’s happening in the #NHS the moment. Up to 500 unnecessary deaths a week due to political and economic decisions
Its #SocialMurder
"The body count, I think, is more than what they’re saying. If there’s live news crews to come to Buffalo, you should come, because now it’s about to get warm, where the snow is going to melt, and I am sure the body count is going to be up there. The city was ill-prepared, and they basically left people to die."
"#Buffalo, New York, is experiencing a Katrina moment after this weekend’s historic blizzard."
#BuffaloBlizzard2022 #SocialMurder #AusterityKills
#austeritykills #socialmurder #buffaloblizzard2022 #buffalo #cariolhorne