heise online · @heiseonline
51506 followers · 7179 posts · Server social.heise.de

Blackout: Konflikt zwischen Reddit und Mods geht weiter

Eigentlich wollten die Verantwortlichen für die Subreddits nur bis Mittwoch protestieren, viele machen aber einfach weiter. Der Protest hat messbare Folgen.


#verpasstodon #api #aggregatoren #apollo #drittanbieterapps #reddit #socialmedia #socialnews

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Jacobson · @paul
392 followers · 2318 posts · Server digitalstuntfactory.com

@shipp I agree, although I guess because I have tended to focus on that don't have that functionality, it isn't as important to me.

I was becoming a fan of back before purchased it, and was interested in what was then still the emerging service because I thought that integration could offer a really compelling service in Twitter.

has this sort of functionality built into it although it is local to the Inoreader network.

Perhaps one day (soon 🙏 ) we will see a RSS Reader with support to facilitate this sort of conversational news?

#rssreaders #nuzzel #twitter #twitterblue #socialnews #inoreader #activitypub

Last updated 2 years ago

Baiji | flo · @fasnix
774 followers · 5199 posts · Server dresden.network

"I think deeply about things and want others to do likewise. I work for and learn from . I don't like excluding people. I'm a perfectionist, but I won't let that get in the way of . Except for and I'm not going to waste my on things that won't have an . I try to be with everyone, but I hate it when you don't take me seriously. I don't hold grudges (it's not productive) but I learn from my . I want to make the a better ."

"The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz"



#ideas #people #publication #education #entertainment #time #impact #friends #experience #world #place #aaronswartz #documentation #hacktivist #rss #creativecommons #markdown #socialnews #reddit #harvarduniversity #stoponlinepiracyact #mit

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Hall · @Platform_Journalism
471 followers · 112 posts · Server aus.social
diggita :verified: :fedora: · @diggita
16542 followers · 1952 posts · Server mastodon.uno

per una lunga serie di motivi che non elencheremo ora ci spostiamo su un nuovo indirizzo sul più prestigioso ed internazionale .com :


ci scusiamo per i disguidi che possa aver creato la migrazione.

#diggita #social #telegram #socialnews #editoriasocial #giornalismopartecipativo

Last updated 5 years ago