RT @tgreames@twitter.com
Here we Grow Again! @ENERGY@twitter.com’s Office of #EnergyJustice Policy & Analysis is seeking a #SocialScientist for our growing research team. You will perform a variety of professional #socialscience work with respect to energy & environmental justice. Apply at http://usajobs.gov/job/697128800
#energyjustice #socialscientist #socialscience
RT @tgreames@twitter.com
Here we Grow Again! @ENERGY@twitter.com’s Office of #EnergyJustice Policy & Analysis is seeking a #SocialScientist for our growing research team. You will perform a variety of professional #socialscience work with respect to energy & environmental justice. Apply at http://usajobs.gov/job/697128800
#energyjustice #socialscientist #socialscience
An #introduction from another #twitterexile:
I’m Ryan. I’m a #socialscientist based in #politicalscience and #idev departments. My research focuses on #foreignaid and more recently, #metascience. I’m proud of this recent paper: https://osf.io/7vy2f/.
I’m interested in and will post about: effective altruism #ea, #rstats, #cocktails, #cooking and #baking, and local #Toronto stuff. I have 3 kids (one is 2 weeks old) and so will inevitably post about #parenting.
#introduction #TwitterExile #socialscientist #politicalscience #idev #foreignaid #metascience #ea #rstats #cocktails #cooking #baking #toronto #parenting
So, mastodon is making me a nervous noob on the internet. For some peculiar reason, here I feel I have to say something of substance and somehow this increases the threshold to actually post anything. I thought more space and a more civilized conversation would be liberating but it is petrifying.
#academia #highered #research #socialscientist #socialmedia
#ruinedbyothersocialmedia #academia #highered #research #socialscientist #socialmedia
Hello everyone! 🖖
I'm a #socialscientist focusing on #socialinequalities. I concentrated on #bigdata and #algorithmicbias in my master's thesis.
I'm working for a research company as a qualitative data analyst.
I used to work on #genderstudies, especially #queertheory. I have a publication about #dragperformances and used MaxQDA for the analysis. https://doi.org/10.33708/ktc.1172297
Outside of my professional life, I'm passionate about #sci-fi, #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives, and #roleplayinggames.
#socialscientist #socialinequalities #bigdata #algorithmicbias #genderstudies #queertheory #dragperformances #sci #fantasyliterature #horrornarratives #roleplayinggames
@DrLizNW @DrTomori @robert 👋! I too am a #socialscientist traversing the medical #fediverse.
#SocialScientist #Geographer 🌏 Resilience Lead @ Irish CCAC Sec 🌎 Visiting Scholar @ICARUS_Maynooth 🌍 He/Him #SDGs 🌻 RT's & likes 🚫 endorsement 🎼 Piano
#socialscientist #geographer #sdgs
An #introduction from me...
Short version: I'm into:
Long version:
I work for a peak body for leaders of #AcademicLibraries, where I look after strategy and analytics. I'm a former #LIS academic, #SocialScientist, #OnlineLearning specialist and librarian, and I'm still kinda working out who I am now I'm not an academic anymore (but very much enjoying the ride). I'm a #QualitativeResearch type who is learning to love quantitative data. My professional interests are in the hashtag list up there ^^^
#introduction #openscience #openaccess #oer #opentexts #openeducation #academiclibraries #eblip #libraryassessment #libraryevaluation #pottery #lis #socialscientist #onlinelearning #qualitativeresearch
Hi everyone! 👋 Here's my #introduction:
I'm an #environmental #SocialScientist based in the UK. I work in both research and practice on #SmallScaleFisheries and #NaturalResourceManagement, focused on #SocialEquity and #EnvironmentalJustice in tropical contexts. 🐠 🎣
I currently work for the NGO Fauna & Flora International and recently finished my #PhD with University of Exeter.
Outside of work I'm passionate about #music, #photography, #scubadiving, #hiking, #cycling, and #cooking.
#cooking #cycling #hiking #scubadiving #photography #music #phd #environmentaljustice #socialequity #naturalResourceManagement #smallscalefisheries #socialscientist #environmental #introduction