There are concerns that GPT3 was released without much thought for ethics accuracy & accountability. Fair.
But what is the alternative? That it remain in a shadowy room, new capacities that only *they* can engage and understand first hand? And then *those people and friends* decide what an ethical design looks like?
Having a messy public beta is the /condition of possibility/ for a public debate about how AI can be ethical and accountable.
#socialshapingoftechnology #agonism #sts
There are concerns that GPT3 was released without much thought for ethics accuracy & accountability. Fair.
But what is the alternative? That it remain in a shadowy room, new capacities that only *they* can engage and understand first hand? And then *those people and friends* decide what an ethical design looks like?
Having a messy public beta is the /condition of possibility/ for a public debate about how AI can be ethical and accountable.
#SocialShapingOfTechnology #agonism @sociology #STS
#socialshapingoftechnology #agonism #sts