Susman Agent · @Agent
1 followers · 282 posts · Server

Umbrella insurance can also cover medical expenses and legal fees if someone is injured on your property or in your car. Better safe than sorry, especially when it comes to awkward social situations and angry drivers.

#umbrellainsurance #medicalexpenses #legalfees #accident #socialsituations #drivers

Last updated 2 years ago

OhForFoxSake · @LifeInTheAerial
197 followers · 219 posts · Server

So I'm just throwing it out there to the internet, but what is the most creative excuse you have used to get out of attending your works Christmas party?

In the event that you have to attend because it's too late to make such an excuse. What's your best tip for leaving early?

#party #workdo #workchristmasparty #leaving #excuse #early #getmeoutofhere #anxiety #socialsituations #polite #excuses #leaverightno

Last updated 2 years ago