The ties that bind us. Today's cartoon by Rafat Alkhatib. More cartoons:
#Humanity #socialstatus #nationality #gender
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Are people with high #socialstatus more prone to depression? @CellCellPress
#NotImpressed #SocialStatus #JobTitle #BankBalance #Looks #WhereYouLive #Impresses #TheWayYouTreatOtherPeople #WillingnessToAdmitWhenYoureWrong #Compassion #Empathy #Integrity #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay
#notimpressed #socialstatus #jobtitle #bankbalance #looks #whereyoulive #impresses #thewayyoutreatotherpeople #willingnesstoadmitwhenyourewrong #compassion #empathy #integrity #quote #quoteoftheday
What role do you want to have in society #shorts #socialstatus #sociallife #society #life
#life #society #sociallife #socialstatus #shorts
Are you completely satisfied with your social life #shorts #sociallife #socialstatus #friendly #party #life
#life #party #friendly #socialstatus #sociallife #shorts
As a human being status is a part of survival #shorts #status #socialstatus #statusinlife #life
#life #statusinlife #socialstatus #status #shorts
I am an author of six books in French and English, and a cultural and social historian of 19th century France and the US. Comparative study of creative women's social status (writers, publishers, musicians...) in Europe and the US. Bilingual French-English.
#history #19thcentury #france #women #creators #socialstatus #writing
#introduction #history #19thcentury #france #women #creators #socialstatus #writing
How status matters to you as a human being #shorts #status #happiness #statusinlife #life #socialstatus
#socialstatus #life #statusinlife #happiness #status #shorts
Ok, so the orange-looking guy that was in charge - confidently said that doing that thing may be a good idea?
But, the Doctor person knew it was a friggin stupid idea!
#satire #COVID #comedy #TooSoon? #joke #SocialStatus #SpeakTruthToPower
#satire #COVID #comedy #toosoon #joke #socialstatus #speaktruthtopower
Your status matters as human beings #shorts #status #happiness #statusinlife #life #socialstatus
#socialstatus #life #statusinlife #happiness #status #shorts
#ConversationsMatter #Talking #Racism #SocialStatus #News #People #BeKind #Help #BLM #Democracy #Assistance #Conversations #DomainForSale
#conversationsmatter #talking #racism #socialstatus #news #people #bekind #help #blm #democracy #assistance #conversations #domainforsale
#PeacefulProtesting #Protesting #Protest #Riots #Marching #NoViolence #Control #SelfControl #Racism #SocialStatus
#RacialDiscrimination #BLM #Discrimination #DomainSales
#peacefulprotesting #protesting #protest #riots #marching #noviolence #control #selfcontrol #racism #socialstatus #racialdiscrimination #blm #discrimination #domainsales
... continued ...
My theory is, that the fundamental problem/cause is the contemporary construction of #socialstatus.
As long as social status and perception of achievement is strongly tied to travelling, big houses, excessive consumption, big cars, new electronics gadgets, higher resolution/power/throughput/definition everything .. people will be more or less indifferent about the negative impact of their pursuit of higher status ..