”Ms Badenoch is understood to support a more hardline approach to the issue of “#socialtransitioning” in #schools, with safeguards for girls who may feel uncomfortable sharing facilities with #trans pupils, while Ms Keegan has placed more emphasis on the rights of #transpupils and those with gender dysphoria.” #England #transgender https://liveapp.inews.co.uk/2023/07/18/trans-guidance-for-schools-delayed-after-cabinet-splits-over-controversial-policy/content.html
#socialtransitioning #schools #trans #transpupils #england #transgender
#GenderAffirmingCare is vital in saving transgender children. #TransgenderChildrenExist. #Socialtransitioning and #PubertyBlockers are reversible and to say they are not is misinformation to paint the trans community as terrible people. The idea that children are to flaky to make up their minds about this is absurd, and is just an excuse by people who are insecure with the idea that their kid might be trans. #TransRightsAreHumanRights #MillstoneActIsWrong
#genderaffirmingcare #transgenderchildrenexist #socialtransitioning #pubertyblockers #transrightsarehumanrights #millstoneactiswrong