U.S. Same-Sex Marriage Support Holds at 71% High
#GallupPolls #SameSexMarriage #SocialTrends #LGBTQRights #PublicOpinion #MarriageEquality #Politics #News
#galluppolls #samesexmarriage #socialtrends #lgbtqrights #publicopinion #marriageequality #politics #news
U.S. women born in the late 1980s experienced more cohabitation and intimate relationship breakups in young adulthood than women born in the1960s and 70s.
#NICHDImpact #Cohort #Cohabitation #Relationships #SocialTrends #SocialChange
#NICHDimpact #cohort #cohabitation #relationships #socialtrends #socialchange
SOCIALITY + GAMIFICATION. Game-like manipulation of human behaviour is applied to the rhythms of sexual desire, argues new book. Scenes are replaced by screens; match-making by market valuations; bodily selves by datafied “phantom bodies.” Navigating the “libidinal city” outsourced to algorithms: pre-configured experiences. Filter bubbles: herd tastes. Nudged into thinking: lines of desire. Everyone is as gamer: mutual struggle against boredom. Emptiness.
#socialtrends #socialtech #gamification