Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments #Zine
"[Y]ou can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. [...] We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind."
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#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport #DNA #riot #directaction #police
#zine #surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport #DNA #riot #DirectAction #police
Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments #Zine
"[Y]ou can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. [...] We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind."
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#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport #DNA #riot #directaction #police
#zine #surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport #DNA #riot #DirectAction #police
Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments #Zine
"In our experience, most of us in North America aren’t in the habit of thinking very much about DNA traces. [...] [Y]ou can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. [...] We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind."
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#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport #DNA #riot #directaction #police
#zine #surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport #DNA #riot #DirectAction #police
AI Art Sites Censor Prompts About #Abortion
"I discovered this recently when I prompted the platforms for “pills used in medication abortion.” I’d added the instruction “in the style of Matisse.” I expected to get colorful visuals to supplement my thinking and writing about right-wing efforts to outlaw the pills.
Neither site produced the images. Instead, DALL-E 2 returned the phrase, “It looks like this request may not follow our content policy.” Midjourney’s message said, “The word ‘abortion’ is banned. Circumventing this filter to violate our rules may result in your access being revoked.”
#censorship #socialwar #künstlicheIntelligenz #USA #antireport #MyBodyMyChoice
#abortion #censorship #socialwar #kunstlicheintelligenz #usa #antireport #mybodymychoice #ai
CSRC Bulletin #1
International Coordination Against Targeted Surveillance
"We are anarchists. We believe in an international coordination of informal anarchist groups to pursue the fight against all forms of domination. We believe that sharing knowledge about our enemies’ capabilities and tactics should be an important part of that coordination."
#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
#surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
"The Counter-surveillance resource center is a searchable database of resources on evading targeted surveillance. We want to help anarchists and other rebels acquire a practical understanding of the surveillance threats they may face in their struggles and in their lives. We prefer resources that are easy to understand and written by friends."
#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
#surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
"The Counter-surveillance resource center is a searchable database of resources on evading targeted surveillance. We want to help anarchists and other rebels acquire a practical understanding of the surveillance threats they may face in their struggles and in their lives. We prefer resources that are easy to understand and written by friends."
#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
#surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
"We wtorek, 28 marca, odbył się marsz wewnątrz kampusu Juana Gómeza Millasa, z transparentami i pamfletami, który później zakończył się blokadą uliczną na Alei Grecia, gdzie ustawiono barykady i doszło do konfrontacji z koktajlami Mołotowa przeciwko obecności carabineros (COP).
Na transparentach czytamy: “Walcząca młodzież, permanentna insurekcja. Bracia Vergara obecni” oraz “Z duchem walki, JGM obecni”.
#Chile #dzienmlodegokombatanta #socialwar #wojnaspoleczna
(de/en/fr) CSRC Bulletin #1
“An irregular publication by the Counter-surveillance resource center, a database of resources about evading targeted surveillance.“
#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
#surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
(de/en/fr) CSRC Bulletin #1
“An irregular publication by the Counter-surveillance resource center, a database of resources about evading targeted surveillance.“
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#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
#surveillance #selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport
South Carolina becomes the latest GOP-led state with a #bill to make the death penalty a punishment for #abortion
"Several states have banned and criminalized abortion since the #SupremeCourt overturned Roe v. Wade.
A #SouthCarolina legislator proposed the death penalty as punishment for women who get abortions.
The new bill, still in the legislature, would equate abortion to homicide."
Via @BinGanzBrav
#bill #abortion #supremecourt #southcarolina #socialwar #mybodymychoice #usa #kriminalisierung
In 88 BCE, Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78 BCE) marched on Rome and entered the city's sacred inner boundary, the pomerium , bearing arms. Breaking this taboo, he sought to gain political power and control of the army of the East that had been offered to his enemy, Gaius Marius (c. 157-86 BCE). A second march occurred in 83-82 BCE when he assumed the title of dictator. #history #Sulla #SocialWar #RomanRepublic
#romanrepublic #socialwar #sulla #History
Avis de Tempêtes
Storm warnings,
-anarchist bulletin for the social war-
English translation
#anarchism #Dystopie #resistance #antireport #socialwar
#anarchism #dystopie #resistance #antireport #socialwar
Storm warnings,
anarchist bulletin for the social war,
English translation of Avis de Tempêtes
#anarchism #dystopie #resistance #antireport #socialwar
The Social War (also called the Marsi War and well as the War of the Allies) of 91-87 BCE was the result of decades of contention between Rome and its Italian allies. Roman warfare relied heavily on the Italian allies (socii ), but the Roman Republic did not grant them citizenship. The main cause of the Social War was this inequality in status. #history #SocialWar #RomanWarfare #RomanRepublic
#romanrepublic #romanwarfare #socialwar #History