@ophiocephalic While #Meta is certainly trying to get their foot into every door they can, Ben Savage of #Meta has become a member of the "Social Web Incubator Community Group" (#SocialCG / #SWICG). Anybody can join, see https://swicg.io/
The group that actually worked on standards was the #W3C "Social Web Working Group" (#SocialWG, closed in 2018). That being said, the "incubator" is influential, for sure.
#meta #socialcg #swicg #w3c #socialwg
@rmdes @activitypubtestsuite @cwebber I’ll ask some others who might be a person or two removed from those who might know. #SocialWG #activitypub #ActivityPubDev
#activitypubdev #activitypub #socialwg
Was at W3C #SocialWG meeting today & had a great discussion on this
"2. Test suite. The need for a test suite for ActivityPub was brought up. The original test suite is now offline. There is discussion of work on a test suite on the AP group @aactivitypubtestsuite@venera.social ....We agreed that test suites require a lot of effort and decided to orient any work on test suites towards the group."
"...and anything you post mentioning that account name will reflect to everyone else following it"
Note this, and consider what it means
"anything you post mentioning that account name will reflect to everyone else"
From past experience with a #Friendica #Group that may mean kissing your Home feed goodbye, unless you're doing one and only one thing
#ActivtyPub #ActivityPubDev #SocialWG
cc @activitypubtestsuite @fediversenews @activitypubblueskybridge @apconf @activitypub
#friendica #group #activtypub #activitypubdev #socialwg
For everyone in #ActivtyPub #ActivityPubDev #SocialWG space: we created this mastodon-compatible Frenidica group for discussing the build-out of a robust ActivityPub test suite, akin to http://webmtion.rocks and the now gone activitypub.rocks...
Just follow this account to join ➡️ @activitypubtestsuite
...and anything you post mentioning that account name will reflect to everyone else following it.
See you there!
cc: @fediversenews @activitypubblueskybridge @apconf @activitypub
#socialwg #activitypubdev #activtypub
@robz @OpinionatedGeek @evan @cwebber @pfefferle @gabek
I'm happy to try to find other stakeholders, and others here might recommend some.
#activitypubdev #activitypub #socialwg
@liaizon Having a complete test suite is key for sure. I suspect that this is a hard task. But a crucial one. I Do think real world testing is key also - but wonder if folks think is something to build on too: https://github.com/go-fed/testsuite #activitypub #activitypubdev #socialwg
#socialwg #activitypubdev #activitypub
Hi @evan @cwebber
Timely question: Does anyone know the status of a formal or informal building out an #ActivtyPub test suite, akin to the one used to test http://webmention.rocks but for Acitivity pub.
I know the activitypub.rocks effort ended and I see this one that seemed to evolve from that but has been derelict for a number of years.
Is there any other effort active?
#activitypub #activitypubdev #socialwg
and: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/unofficial-test-suite-go-fed-testsuite/805
#socialwg #activitypubdev #activitypub #activtypub
This is a nice bit of history on #ActivityPub and the #SocialWG that I came across while going through the minutes for the social working group meetings (we all have hobbies): https://dret.typepad.com/dretblog/2015/02/json-or-rdf-just-decide.html
Especially this bit:
As we expand, please remember that you should make liberal use of the reporting function if you see any posts or have any interactions from accounts that are in violation of our code of conduct.
We have imported server blocklists from a few other instances we trust, but they are an always evolving process: your reports come to the #socialwg and are how we keep the instance safe for all our members.
If you would like to be a part of the mod team, join the discord and volunteer in the social-wg channel :). We are also looking for member input on our server rules, the contents of our about page, our code of conduct, and all of our instance governance documents! That's the work of the #SeedCouncil
Those in #socialwg please review the minor changes to JF2 spec. IANA requested additional text in security considerations section.
Requesting update tomorrow.