Georg Wamhof · @gewam
470 followers · 1399 posts · Server
15 followers · 54 posts · Server

Have been feeling inspired after doing some work assembling communities that I'm really interested in - thought I'd do a tag dump for some of the areas that I'm looking into, as well as have already found super interesting, have been following and am boosting... (not in alphabetical order and probably too broad but for my own future reference also!)


Also I suppose really this is a second after the as I'm still relatively so... Hi again! Feel free to follow or boost if this sounds like your areas of interest also

#tag #Abolition #acab #adhd #affect #AffectStudies #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Archiving #archives #Art #blacklivesmatter #blm #boardgames #ClimateChange #coffee #commons #criticaltheory #cinemastudies #communities #culturalstudies #decolonisation #design #disabled #digitalcommons #digitalculture #DigitalCultures #digitalhumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #diversity #edi #englishliterature #feminism #FeministSTS #filmstudies #freesoftware #games #gaming #geopolitics #geography #hauntology #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #highered #highereducation #history #histodians #incarceration #inclusion #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #london #lowtech #media #mediastudies #museum #museums #musicals #openpedagogy #participatorydesign #pedagogy #policeabolition #philosophy #photography #praxis #prisons #prisonabolition #preservation #progressive #politics #postmodernism #publiceducation #running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #socialinclusion #socialmobility #socialtheory #socialism #socialjustice #sociology #sociodon #sociodons #solidarity #softwarestudies #soundscapes #Skeuomorphism #speculativefiction #sts #technology #trans #uk #vanlife #videogames #university #zines #Introduction #twittermigration #newhere

Last updated 2 years ago

Jose Luis Orihuela · @jlori
861 followers · 212 posts · Server
Kevin Shafer · @kshafer
317 followers · 10 posts · Server

I just changed instances, so I thought another might be prudent.

I’m a college graduate + a professor at BYU. I study the facilitators of + barriers to involved fathering, with an emphasis on family policy + mental health. I’m currently researching a historical sociology project about changing cultural scripts around fatherhood in mainstream + religious groups.

Aside from that, I’m a husband, a dad, + a sports fan.

#Introduction #FirstGen #sociology #sociodons

Last updated 2 years ago

Cas :trisquel: · @Cas_33
113 followers · 513 posts · Server

Mi piace vedere come il flusso di nuovi membri di sta organizzando in gruppi di interesse, da ad , , ecc.
Immagino ne esistano altri e nuovi nasceranno.

Mi chiedo se sarebbe possibile seguirli come o se è necessario seguire tutti i singoli accounts.
O se invece si possa solo seguire l'hashtag?

Scoprirò... 😄

#histodons #astrodons #sociodons #linguistics #liste

Last updated 2 years ago