Jamaica: Partnering with youth to break cycles of violence

Youth Inspiring Positive Change (YIPC) has identified that violence in Jamaican schools continues to have a significant impact on the educational performance and socio-emotional health of youth.

Data shows that youth, especially males between the ages of 16 and 24, are dis...


#violence #jamaica #schools #youth #education #socioemotionalhealth #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #socialcologne

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex. Willbränder's Good News · @goodnews
18 followers · 87 posts · Server nrw.social

Jamaica: Partnering with youth to break cycles of violence

Youth Inspiring Positive Change (YIPC) has identified that violence in Jamaican schools continues to have a significant impact on the educational performance and socio-emotional health of youth.

Data shows that youth, especially males between the ages of 16 and 24, are dis...


#violence #Jamaica #schools #youth #education #socioemotionalhealth #goodnews #Weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #nrwsocial

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamaica: Partnering with youth to break cycles of violence

Youth Inspiring Positive Change (YIPC) has identified that violence in Jamaican schools continues to have a significant impact on the educational performance and socio-emotional health of youth.

Data shows that youth, especially males between the ages of 16 and 24, are dis...


#violence #jamaica #schools #youth #education #socioemotionalhealth #goodnews #weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #homesocial

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex. Willbränder's Good News · @goodnews
17 followers · 89 posts · Server troet.cafe

Jamaica: Partnering with youth to break cycles of violence

Youth Inspiring Positive Change (YIPC) has identified that violence in Jamaican schools continues to have a significant impact on the educational performance and socio-emotional health of youth.

Data shows that youth, especially males between the ages of 16 and 24, are dis...


#TroetCafe #dogood #worldimprover #Weltverbesserer #goodnews #socioemotionalhealth #education #youth #schools #jamaica #violence

Last updated 2 years ago

Jamaica: Partnering with youth to break cycles of violence

Youth Inspiring Positive Change (YIPC) has identified that violence in Jamaican schools continues to have a significant impact on the educational performance and socio-emotional health of youth.

Data shows that youth, especially males between the ages of 16 and 24, are dis...


#violence #Jamaica #schools #youth #education #socioemotionalhealth #goodnews #weltverbesserer #worldimprover #dogood #mastodonsocial

Last updated 2 years ago