Oden · @Gjallarhornet
997 followers · 8423 posts · Server mastodon.nu
Annhattan · @annhattan
135 followers · 795 posts · Server mstdn.social

Shareholder Capitalism is a Suicide Pact
Great article by & Professor Jerry Davis at the . "Finance invades the mind..." which informs behavior & thus destiny. More Americans, than ever before, are invested in the which depends upon the degradation of the in order for them to see increased returns. And no, is actually not working to change that, sadly.

#esg #Earth #stockmarket #rossschool #sociologist #business

Last updated 1 year ago

Jonathan Horowitz · @jonathanhorowi1
734 followers · 1230 posts · Server sciences.social

I was just alerted to this particularly odd paper by Adaner Usmani and legal scholar Christopher Lewis: "The Injustice of Under-Policing in America."

Their argument is literally that the United States needs more police rather than less--another 500K cops, to be exact. I have thoughts on this.


#sociologist #sociology

Last updated 1 year ago

Ep. 31 features Robin Rogers who tells of how she escaped her then-husband. Her goal became all about having life-affirming fun. In early 2020, she was involuntarily committed after a family member falsely claimed she had attempted to commit . Robin was now surrounded by patients who were hitting on her and threatening to rape her. Come find out how she survived even this experience and what life looks like now! 🌅🗽🌠

#nyc #sociologist #violent #schizophrenic #dating #suicide #mentalhealth

Last updated 1 year ago

Marco Serino · @marcoserino
1 followers · 1 posts · Server sciences.social

Hi everyone. I'm new to this platform and it looks awesome.

I'm a of culture and the arts, and a social network analyst. Recently I became interested in scientific knowledge and practices as well. I'm currently a research associate in at the Department o Political sciences at the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.

I'd like to say a little more about myself and I'll do it soon.

Have a great Sunday.

#sociologist #sociology

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
831 followers · 1346 posts · Server newsie.social
beSpacific · @bespacific
763 followers · 1236 posts · Server newsie.social
Cees Grootes · @analyticus
895 followers · 579 posts · Server mastodon.social

Purpose Anxiety: The Fear of not Knowing your Purpose in Life.

Both meaning and purpose enable us to better live in the present moment, but meaning helps us make sense of our memories so we can understand our past, while purpose helps us to consciously project ourselves in the future.


@sociology @philosophy

#future #sociology #sociologist #procastinacion #psychology #opportunity #philosophy #philosopher #distraction #values #yourfuture

Last updated 2 years ago

Cees Grootes · @analyticus
896 followers · 578 posts · Server mastodon.social

One Question to Ask Yourself to Know Your Future (...and change of too). - Goethe.

The trouble is that too many of us spend too much time distracted rather than focused on the things that matter. Wasting time on distractions, which we’ll later regret, leads to a life filled with missed opportunities.



#goethe #future #sociology #sociologist #procastinacion #psychology #opportunity #philosophy #philosopher #distraction #values #yourfuture

Last updated 2 years ago

Catherine Pope · @CJP
255 followers · 142 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

On a packed train. I'm the only one wearing a . The in me is fascinated by how quickly we de-normalised this social solidarity... and as the person who has multiple upcoming hospital appointments i am just terrified these f@$kers will give me -19...

#mask #sociologist #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

Hi everyone!
I’m Josh. 41 in Devon,

I work as a consultant, mainly helping people implement learning management systems. It pays the bills. Previously, I was a specialising in and . It was publish or perish, and, well, I perished. Hence the pivot to .

Throughout my life, I’ve been a with an ambition to contribute to a society for the benefit of everyone, rather than the few. 1/2

#introduction #gay #geek #uk #sociologist #sharing #cooperation #housing #tech #democraticsocialist

Last updated 2 years ago

drakbailey · @drakbailey
456 followers · 568 posts · Server mastodon.social
Betina Wilkinson · @BetinaWilkinson
98 followers · 95 posts · Server mastodon.social

Listening to a fantastic presentation by Roberta Villalon on the effects of on migrants’ and . The normalization of was a major theme in her interview study.

#sociologist #migration #ecuadorian #physical #mental #health #malaise #raceinequalitypolicyinitiative

Last updated 2 years ago

Cees Grootes · @analyticus
840 followers · 550 posts · Server mastodon.social

ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare.
If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned.

The privacy risks that come attached to ChatGPT should sound a warning. And as consumers of a growing number of AI technologies, we should be extremely careful about what information we share with such tools.

🔗 theconversation.com/chatgpt-is


#chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #privacy #privacyalways #social #socialmedia #sociology #socialimpact #sociologist #socialsscience #technology

Last updated 2 years ago

Tofu Golem · @tofugolem
961 followers · 9921 posts · Server mastodon.lol

If you are a who studies deconversion, please take this into account. If you look at the last religion/denomination practiced before deconversion, you're going to see something very different than if you look at the religious starting point of ex-theist atheists.

Because it's really the more conservative/strident varieties of religion that are driving people out of organized religion right now, and these studies seem to suggest the opposite.



Last updated 2 years ago

Elizabeth Wrigley-Field · @wrigleyfield
1621 followers · 499 posts · Server fediscience.org


I'm a and , focused on mortality in the US

Want to understand how I think about demographic modeling (and why I love it)? Read this interview:


Want to understand how I think about racism and mortality? Read this article or this interview:



Want to know about my favorite recent research?


(non-work-centered stuff in the next post)

#sociologist #demographer #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Kee Hinckley · @nazgul
1060 followers · 1930 posts · Server infosec.exchange

I'm overdue for an , especially with all you new followers…so here goes.

I'm a software engineer with a degree in Anthropology. I highly recommend the combo.

Most recently I was tech lead for Scaled Human Review at Meta. I worked in the Integrity Foundation (what other companies call "Trust and Safety") on Better Engineering initiatives and integration, with the teams that build human review software for the 30-40K external reviewers. I'd sworn I’d never work at Facebook, but I decided to see if I could make a difference. I couldn’t. And it wasn't a good fit for either of us. But I learned a lot about how the sausages are made and why they have such a hard time with .

I'm now a freelance , working on my own projects (I'll write more on that later), and with my wife's company (see below). I'm planning to do a lot more writing about and (as well some ), and to travel more.

I tend to write long posts (like this one). They may get shorter once my blog is back up. I don't stick to one topic, but I'll try to tag them so you can filter. I post about tech stuff (recent, as well as old geeky stuff), issues, issues (especially the T), pretty , and random personal anecdotes. When I boost, it's because I think it's something that might be interesting to someone, or some group, that follows me. Those tend to include all the above topics, plus SF&F-related things, and cool science stuff.

I'm , , (or , if you prefer). I prefer "they" for pronouns, but "he" is fine. I spent most of my life thinking I really was a straight cis man who just happened to be a bit quirky and a passionate and tearful ally, so I'm not too picky about how you refer to me. I'm also more than happy to answer any questions about all that, public or private.

I've been on social media for four decades (seriously, I saw someone catfished in chat in 1978—this stuff isn't new), and virtually everyone I know I met online somewhere—many I've still never met in person. Needless to say, that's made me pretty passionate about making online communities safe for everyone, and especially marginalized groups.

I grew up mostly in and then lived in Massachusetts for a long time, but I now live on sovereign land in (US), on the edge of the San Juan islands. Despite my first name (that's a story) and current location, I'm not Native American, although I focus a lot on Native American rights. My parents were both active in that area, and that was my introduction to civil rights in general.

I've been a engineer at various levels (from programmer to CTO to company founder) for 40+ years. I learned BASIC in high school, taught myself Pascal, FORTRAN and PL/1 in college, learned C as an intern at Bell Labs (Murray Hill, one floor up from the Unix crew), and went on from there. In college, I majored in with a concentration in , and that's influenced the way I look at software ever since. Software is designed for people. Software systems build communities (whether intended or not). Anyone who does that damn well better understand how people and work.

I've worked for Bell Labs (psych stats), Sperry Research (window systems, UX design), Apollo/HP (programmable shell, windowing systems, Unix porting, UX design), Bright Ideas (cookbook, educational games), OSF (windowing standards), Alfalfa (multimedia email - SMTP *and* X.400 :)), Wildfire (phone-based voice assistant), Utopia/USWeb (web and security consulting), Saroca (small boats), Messagefire (anti- software), MessageGate (corporate compliance software), Somewhere (software consulting), ZeeVee (web video aggregation, metadata scraping), TiVo (video content correlation, pipelines), and Meta. Plus a few others.

I've been with my wife, Dr. Mollie Pepper, for over a decade. She's a with a focus on migration, , and violence; the kind of work that gives you PTSD. She did her dissertation on women's roles in the (now extremely defunct) peace process in (aka ). A year ago she was at a military base frantically processing thousands of Afghan refugees and managing translators. She has a consulting company that specializes in evaluating and designing refugee service and placement programs. You can find her at carlsonpepper.com/. Everything I know about , , theory, , and I either learned from her, or she gave me the theoretical underpinnings to understand them properly.

I have two grown daughters from my first marriage with Nassim Fotouhi; a kick-ass software engineer/engineering manager who came to the States just before the Iranian revolution.

Shadi Fotouhi is an artist (see my profile background photo, go look up the drug codes and compare them to the mermaids' behavior) turned software engineer; building dynamic room installations will do that to you. She worked in QA at a gaming company, and then at Jibo; a robotics startup. Now she's a senior software engineer at Wayfair--Kubernetes, release configuration, and all that fun stuff.

Shireen Hinckley is a documentarian, digital image technician, video editor, and co-founder of Somewhere Films (somewherefilms.com/shireen-hin); a womxn's filmmaking collective. She works for at Parkwood Entertainment, where she's an editor and post-production supervisor for all of their video releases. She worked on "Black is King" and just about every video since then, whether it's for Instagram, Times Square, Tiffany's, the Oscars, or Chloe x Halle. No, I can't tell you when the Renaissance visual album will be out—but it will be amazing.

I'm incredibly honored to have those wonderful women in my life. I wouldn't be who I am without them.

A couple other things that may come up, especially in my photos. My mother is an artist who lives in Maine in a round house she designed, and the family built, when I was in high school. And I'm part owner of a on Cape Cod.


#introduction #metaverse #contentmoderation #Consultant #consulting #society #technology #sff #unix #social #lgbtq #photos #pan #poly #nonbinary #genderqueer #maine #swinomish #washingtonstate #software #anthropology #psychology #communities #spam #metadata #sociologist #refugee #gender #myanmar #burma #feminism #intersectionality #queer #crt #racism #beyonce #lighthouse

Last updated 2 years ago

👻ghost_shit💩 · @ghost_shit
268 followers · 2267 posts · Server aus.social

DISCLAIMER: I'm not an or a .

#epidemiologist #sociologist

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathaniel D. Porter · @ndporter
318 followers · 28 posts · Server sciences.social

I've been quiet on here over the holidays as I try to take a real break so a little re- for me: I'm a and data consultant who dabbles in a little of everything. My research is focused on and , and . Looking forward to a new year of getting to know y'all!

#introductions #sociologist #dataeducation #socialscience #transparency #replication #EvidenceSynthesis

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheryl Kasson · @cherylgoldk
48 followers · 468 posts · Server mastodon.lol

@sheepchase You had me at and , but and are just an added bonus.

#queer #cats #sociologist #ethnomethodology

Last updated 2 years ago