Shame and guilt are the least of the things the greedy should feel and reap for their callous, sociopathic and socially destructive actions. No more!! Our survival is at stake! From healthcare, to climate change, the opiod crisis, countless wars and conflicts, and so much more, this is what threatens our continued existence and destroys so many lives, so much wellbeing and so much of the fragile ecosystems we cannot exist without. How can we look our children and future generations in the eyes and tell them we were too complacent and beat down to object and right this incredible wrong!
Article: It’s Too Late for Me, But These 6 Healthcare Reforms Could Save Your Life
"Our healthcare system has produced amazing strides in medical care. However, it is also too expensive and inefficient. The primary principle for a healthcare system should be predicated on placing the patient’s health as its defining feature. Instead, the current system is based on maximizing profits and revenue for the corporate elites in the healthcare and financial industries while healthcare workers and patients suffer.
It is long past time to create a different equation in which patient well-being takes precedence over profits.
This entire system is supported and protected by the elites who run or own the insurance companies, pharmaceutical corporations, hospitals, and private equity firms as well as industry lobbying organizations such as the American Medical Association. And let’s not forget the role played by those politicians who serve the interests of these institutions in return for campaign contributions or the promise of lush jobs after their “public” service. The current system is a case study in placing profits before people with incentives to increase revenue and minimize costs, which have combined to decrease the quality of patient care.
It is long past time to create a different equation in which patient well-being takes precedence over profits. The first policy reform in this article, Medicare for All, addresses the problem of the tens of millions of people who are uninsured or underinsured and the overall cost of and access to insurance. The other five policy reforms address problems associated with the actual delivery and quality of healthcare that are not addressed by Medicare for All: stopping the increasing corporatization of healthcare; mandatory nurse staffing ratios; moving from the current fee-for-service reimbursement structure to “value-based” payments based on the well-being of patients; unionizing all healthcare workers; and creating an effective process for patient advocacy. These policy recommendations are supported by numerous research reports and by my informal discussions with dozens of healthcare providers.
These reforms would not only improve patient well-being but also cut long-term costs. However, the reforms can only be instituted through a broad progressive movement which can take on the entrenched interests of the big healthcare corporations, Wall Street, and their paid political agents. It will be tough, but it can be done. After all, progressive mass movements and progressive politicians led the fight for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in the face of bitter opposition by the healthcare corporate elite and their political allies. Major healthcare reform happened before, and it can again, but only through the concerted and sustained efforts by progressive activists and politicians."
#greedkills #sociopathsdestroysociety #sociopathslovecapitalism