A few years ago when we were all locked in our homes due to #Covid19 I had great fun making a movie for @gcnclub@twitter.com of my #socks
It was glitchy and a bit jumpy but a laugh making it.
See the full movie here👇
#gcntweet #sockdoping #bike #bikelife #cycling
#COVID19 #socks #gcntweet #sockdoping #bike #bikelife #cycling
No i jesień 🍁🍂🦔 niby brak słońca od rana ale trzeba jeździć. 🚲
And autumn - like no sun since the morning, but you have to go. 🚲
#baa… https://instagr.am/p/CkEDLUWs7Pp/
#lightbro #cyclingaddict #bestcyclingstyle #polishcyclist #kolarstwoszosowe #kolarstworomantyczne #sockdoping #baa