plantigrado · @plantigrado
1 followers · 3 posts · Server

I’m a bi cis man, based in the US and sometimes Europe.

: I’m a barefooter, which is not a kink per se but can easily be one. I’ve always liked being barefoot because it’s the fucking best, but I also enjoy showing off toes and soles and knowing someone out there will notice. Sometimes dudes’ feet make me drool, but I love it when they make me cum. I’ve been , without exceptions, since 2009. My feet don’t smell, but I promise you they’re tasty.

#introduction #feet #sockless

Last updated 2 years ago

plantigrade · @plantigrade
1 followers · 8 posts · Server

I found the perfect banner pic at DSW.


Last updated 2 years ago

plantigrade · @plantigrade
1 followers · 2 posts · Server

I’m a bisexual cis man, based in the US and sometimes Europe. This is sort of an alt account, and I’m still trying to figure out what I’ll want to do with it. I’ll start with a few topics.

: I’m a barefooter (not full-time, but definitely mostly), which is not a kink per se but can easily be one. I’ve always liked being barefoot because it’s the fucking best, but I also enjoy showing off toes and soles and knowing someone out there will notice. Sometimes dudes’ feet make me drool, but I love it when they make me cum. I’ve been , without exceptions, since 2009. My feet don’t smell, but I promise you they’re tasty.

and : I have a few tattoos, and a 5 mm . I probably won’t post cock pics, but who knows.

I’m a advocate. If left to my own devices I’ll let my fill up a room. I will reluctantly respect social norms, on occasion 😬

Aspiring full-time .

#introduction #feet #sockless #tattoos #piercings #princealbert #nodeodorant #pits #freeballer

Last updated 2 years ago