New project.

I'm not done with the other one, but they just don't spark joy, so I set them aside for the moment. Good thing, I have one (or twenty) skeins of sock yarn on my stash.

@knitting @fiberarts

#fiberarts #socknitting

Last updated 1 year ago

tonight in

I brought my sock knitting project, as tinking a sticky is best done without distraction from talking with others.

This is a mindless enough project for that situation.

@knitting @fiberarts

#socknitting #fibercraft #knittersofmastodon #wool #knitting #yarn #karlsruhe #knitnight

Last updated 2 years ago

There's a lot of traveling going on this week, a series of multi hour train rides. A mindless knitting project is essential for those times.

So socks it is. I picked up this ball in a supermarket yesterday on a whim - as if I don't have a ton on sock yarn sitting around the house ...

@knitting @fiberarts

#handcrafts #sockknitters #socknitting #knittersofmastodon #wool #yarn #fiberarts #knitting #WipWednesday

Last updated 2 years ago