Good morning, #HephalumpWorld! Tea water is heating.
It looks like "Pooh propaganda" is making the rounds again. And hey! Will ya lookit that! Perhaps #SocksOfMastodon will, indeed, become a thing! 😜
Why are Donald F Puppyfucker and his 🇷🇺-financed insurrectionist cohorts not yet in custody? Who's the 3rd world shithole now?
GOP=#Nazis (they're not even hiding it anymore)
Fuck you, 🚀boy.
Today's agenda: Christmas caroling
#hephalumpworld #socksofmastodon #incarceratedonaldpuppyfucker #nazis
@Caiotekit @melissabeartrix @pariahsickkid
There was a knitter on Twitter who did a thing called # Twittersocks. I took part, and thought it rocks. I don't know if it still can be found, it's been a while since I was around.
Anyway, you'd send her your foot size + postage, she knitted socks, sent to you, you posted 'em.
I thought it was a fun thing. I still wear the socks.
It could be a thing here, too.
Would you knit me a pair of socks?
More fun #socks. Can you tell what they are from? #socksofmastodon #beach
#beach #socksofmastodon #socks
More fun #socks. Can you tell what they are from? #socksofmastodon #beach
#beach #socksofmastodon #socks
Small grey cat lying on a pair of legs with a log burner in the background. #CatsOfMastodon #SocksOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #socksofmastodon
Wie der liebe @Funkgestoert spiele ich heute mit in Bunt. Weil‘s einfach bunt schöner ist. #celloliebe #socksofmastodon
Wie der liebe @Funkgestoert spiele ich heute mit in Bunt. Weil‘s einfach bunt schöner ist. #celloliebe #socksofmastodon
My socks hanging up on the drier gave me a much needed smile today. #socksofmastodon
Nachdem hier eben noch ein Kindergeburtstagskuchen fertig verziert wurde, zeige ich euch noch das Ergebnis des Nervenkitzels die Tage. ☺️ #socksofmastodon #stricken