Kakurady · @kakurady
319 followers · 1855 posts · Server fursuits.online

An ex-staff at , who gets Tumblr culture, explains why the bean counters at Automattic are trying to make it something it's not: tumblr.com/jv/7272581211275100

(Spoiler alert: appealing to Tumblr's core audience doesn't make money.)

#tumblr #socmed #socialmedia #enshittification

Last updated 1 year ago

Dinkenfunkle · @Dinkenfunkle
35 followers · 89 posts · Server mastodon.au

Note to peeps

I would rather see a quick anecdote about your pet dog or a grumble you have about some political event than a bald link to what corporate media is reporting about a celeb/politician's scandals and self-promotions.

By all means post a link to a media story, but adding a reflection of your own, even just a single sentence, about why it's significant to you is what makes it interesting.

#mastadon #justsaying #socmed

Last updated 1 year ago

Kristofer 😼 | @elegansen · @Elegansen
546 followers · 2196 posts · Server biblioverse.online

”In a new report, Booklash: Literary Freedom, Online Outrage, and the Language of Harm, PEN America warns that social media blowback and societal outrage are imposing new moral litmus tests on books and authors, chilling literary expression and fueling a dangerous trend of self-censorship that is shrinking writers’ creative freedom and imagination.”


#bibliotek #libraries #goodreads #bookbans #literature #freeexpression #socmed

Last updated 1 year ago

Hacker News · @ycombinator
15 followers · 1500 posts · Server rss-mstdn.studiofreesia.com
GOwin · @gowin
180 followers · 1929 posts · Server social.tchncs.de


Happy to see you write in ! :)

I think their using access as bait, or FUD, to scare users in registering.

#socmed #binisaya

Last updated 2 years ago

Neil Hopkins · @interacter
151 followers · 117 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

This is a really good look at how has fared over the past six months or so, courtesy of @wilf via @TheGuardian_uk : theguardian.com/technology/202

I completely agree with @jlogancarey about increased discovery here, compared with . That's been my experience too - it's easier to find great content, and I have all sorts of different folk answering questions I post - and the discourse is definitely nicer as @jeffjarvis says.

I've only had one minor disagreement (in which I got called a because I was using the platform's feature to get rid of certain topics from my stream), but am genuinely super sorry to hear that @shengokai had such a rubbish experience. is only as good as the people on it, and nowhere is going to be perfect (but it's up to us to support every space becoming open, welcoming & fabulous for everyone).

I'm also really grateful to the article for highlighting what @ntnsndr is up to. If I ever feel like I need a change from the most fabulous & excellent server I'm currently on, social.coop is worth checking out!

Final point, personally, I LOVE Mastodon. It's like the other platforms were back in the day before scale and algorithms got in the way.
Interactions are more frequent, content is more interesting, and I'm inspired by the opportunities to rebuild a environment around me & what I want, not what others think I should have.
I genuinely can't imagine going back to and would like to say a huge to everyone who is part of the fediverse. xoxo

#mastodon #birdsite #bigot #blocking #socialmedia #socmed #thankyou

Last updated 2 years ago

Deembe 🎸 🎷 · @deembe
35 followers · 239 posts · Server musicians.today

@dendari @viewfinderCurator @Deembe@pixelfed.social I ended my FlickrPro account, I still have the free one but not making much use of it. My photos are stored in Adobe Lightroom Creative Cloud with a local backup. I share with family & friends via Abobe Portfolio and publically via . There was rumour of Flickr and the Fediverse but I haven't been following that news.


Last updated 2 years ago

Deembe 🎸 🎷 · @deembe
35 followers · 239 posts · Server musicians.today

@flockofnazguls @philsherry @dansup

Closed my Instagram account when I had a break from all Facebook related last year. I did go back to Facebook itself because the choirs / music groups are heavy users but Instagram and WhatsApp are history. I also moved away from FlickrPro as I wasn't sharing much there. I'm not totally comfortable with but will hang in there and highlight it by sharing my content to &

#socmed #pixelfed #facebook #mastodon #friendica

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Bartosik · @janbartosik
58 followers · 463 posts · Server witter.cz

Proč se mi všude na (Fb zejména) zobrazují videa šikovných asiatů, kteří něco vytváří, nebo opravují. Nebo chytají ryby, či polonazí staví bazén z hlíny v džungli? 😃


Last updated 2 years ago

" is losing users!" So what? No one who came here from expected a 100% transfer rate if they knew anything about . A community like the doesn't need to be large in order to be strong.

#mastodon #twitter #socmed #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

David Todd McCarty · @davidtoddmccarty
3251 followers · 770 posts · Server me.dm

“To Boost Or Not To Boost”

On any given day, as I scroll through my feed, invariably, there will be a new round of posts, mainly from people who have recently arrived, talking about how important it is to boost posts. These well-meaning but ultimately misguided users have, in my opinion, almost always misunderstood the nature of the Fediverse.


#writing #socmed #socialmedia #introduction #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

David Todd McCarty · @davidtoddmccarty
3219 followers · 479 posts · Server me.dm

Good to know I’m at least one step ahead of the leaving the party before the fascists arrive. Facebook: Deactivated. Instagram: Dormant. Twitter: Dormant.

My only social media activity is Mastodon. It’s plenty.

#mastodon #socmed

Last updated 2 years ago

David Todd McCarty · @davidtoddmccarty
3288 followers · 306 posts · Server me.dm

In the 1991 Albert Brooks film “Defending Your Life,” people who have died arrive in a sort of SoCal purgatory to defend their lives against the prosecution that they lived theirs motivated by fear. In 2023’s social media, there is a belief that you are required to defend your life as if each post encapsulates your entire worldview. At any point you may be required to expand your answers to include anything tangentially related regardless of relevance, based on the whims of a stranger.


Last updated 2 years ago

David Todd McCarty · @davidtoddmccarty
3237 followers · 30 posts · Server me.dm

COMING SOON: A travel tale of social media platforms and the search for the elusive ideal.

#socmed #writing #medium #lmno #media

Last updated 2 years ago

Bernie · @bernie
5 followers · 147 posts · Server ioc.exchange

The global HR of the company where I will start working with just added me to his connections. Should I be worried?

#linkedin #socmed

Last updated 2 years ago

James 1:19-20 (NKJV)
So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

>I don't need to say much here. Memorize this verse and remember it especially when you are on social media.

#socmed #twitter #mastodon #facebook

Last updated 2 years ago

James 1:19-20 (NKJV)
So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

>I don't need to say much here. Memorize this verse and remember it especially when you are on social media.

#socmed #twitter #mastodon #facebook

Last updated 2 years ago

Poging Twee · @pogingtwee
62 followers · 16 posts · Server mstdn.social

Het lijstje dat ik verlaten heb, neemt gestaag toe. Hyves, MySpace, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter... What's next? Op Linked-In heb ik eigenlijk ook niks meer te zoeken.


Last updated 2 years ago

David Brookes 🔶🎸 · @Deembe
149 followers · 256 posts · Server mastodon.social

@xs4me2 I'm not sure but they certainly cannot argue that they're not the content provider whilst using algorithms that select the content to be presented. As such then yes they must be regulated but I'm less concerned about public / private ownership. Regulation must be effective though. I would argue that Musk has demonstrated himself as not fit and proper to own that medium.

#decentralisation #regulation #socmed #twitterexodus

Last updated 2 years ago