Chicago Bulls, Yeni Meydan Okuma, Bursa Günleri, Milli Takım Kampı | Özel Röportaj: Onuralp Bitim #CentralDivision #ChicagoBulls #EasternConference #socrates #SocratesDergi #sokrates #SokratesDergi
#centraldivision #chicagobulls #easternconference #socrates #socratesdergi #sokrates #sokratesdergi
Socrates: ‘Don't you think that self-indulgence debars people from wisdom, which is the greatest good, and drives them into the opposite state? Don't you think that, by dragging them off in pursuit of pleasure, it prevents them from studying and apprehending their real interests; and that it often confuses their perception of good and bad and makes them choose the worse instead of the better?'
Euthydemus: 'That does happen.'
I’ve thought about that before. #Socrates was, in effect, the first #Christ because he taught his followers that it was his duty to be martyred for his principled beliefs without resistance. He set that heroic #archetype in #European civilization long before the #sufferingservant in #Isaiah.
He was also the first #Luciferian #serpent. The entire premise of #Euthyphro dialog is “did god really say?”
#euthyphro #serpent #luciferian #isaiah #sufferingservant #european #archetype #christ #socrates
Sadly need to cancel my #SoCraTes 2023 participation. But will try it next year again :)
Hope all others have fun.
Los #libros aparentan sabiduría, son confusos y dañinos 📚📙🛜 Un paralelismo entre la revolución que provocó la imprenta y la que está provocando Internet. Con #Burke #Donizetti #Gessner #LesLuthiers #Platon #Quijote #Socrates #Telemann
#libros #burke #donizetti #gessner #lesluthiers #platon #quijote #socrates #telemann
Los #libros aparentan sabiduría, son confusos y dañinos 📚📙🛜 Un paralelismo entre la revolución que provocó la imprenta y la que está provocando Internet. Con #Burke #Donizetti #Gessner #LesLuthiers #Platon #Quijote #Socrates #Telemann
#libros #burke #donizetti #gessner #lesluthiers #platon #quijote #socrates #telemann Özel Röportaj: Ömer Faruk Yurtseven, Bormio Kampı, Ergin Ataman, Miami Heat Kültürü | Paris Yolu #1 #EasternConference #MiamiHeat #socrates #SocratesDergi #sokrates #SokratesDergi #SoutheastDivision
#easternconference #miamiheat #socrates #socratesdergi #sokrates #sokratesdergi #southeastdivision
Los #libros aparentan sabiduría, son confusos y dañinos 📚📙🛜 Un paralelismo entre la revolución que provocó la imprenta y la que está provocando Internet. Con #Burke #Donizetti #Gessner #LesLuthiers #Platon #Quijote #Socrates #Telemann
#libros #burke #donizetti #gessner #lesluthiers #platon #quijote #socrates #telemann
German wikipedia often misses important information, especially when a company is contributing to human rights violations.
See Palantir Technologies. No word about Palantir providing technology to US ICE, which is used to target raids on immigrants, who are then detained in concentration camps.
Apparently not relevant for wikipedia, but relevant enough some conferences to exclude employees because of this little detail (thumbs up #SoCraTes)
Hoe meer ik over de #sofisten lees, en over #Plato en #Socrates, hoe meer ik de sofisten ga waarderen. En de andere twee steeds minder. #Filosofie
#sofisten #plato #socrates #filosofie
De vroege Stoa (1): Zenon versus Krates #grieksefilosofie #ZenonvanKition #aristoteles #Aristippos #Parmenides #VroegeStoa #Filosofie #Epikouros #Socrates #Cynisme #Krates #Plato #Solon #stoa
#grieksefilosofie #zenonvankition #aristoteles #aristippos #parmenides #vroegestoa #filosofie #epikouros #socrates #cynisme #krates #plato #solon #stoa
We are loving this Big Ideas for Little Philosophers series!
#Plato #Descartes #Confucius #Aristotle #Socrates #SimonedeBeauvoir #bigideasforlittlephilosophers #sanjose #recyclebookstore #philosophy #Bookstore #Bookstodon
#plato #descartes #confucius #aristotle #socrates #simonedebeauvoir #bigideasforlittlephilosophers #sanjose #recyclebookstore #philosophy #bookstore #bookstodon
Okay. Ich habe mich jetzt aus Gründen 3 oder 4 Mal zur #SoCraTes angemeldet. Jetzt stünde das nächste Mal an... Ich gebe jetzt einfach auf 😔
New in HTML
The Enigmatic Figure of #Socrates in #Heidegger
A Pure Vision of Education as Attuned Event of Learning
by James M. Magrini
“Although it might be best of all to be Socrates satisfied, having both happiness and depth, we would give up some happiness in order to gain the depth.” ~ Robert Nozick, The Examined Life
#TheGoodLife #TheExaminedLife #Socrates #JacquesLouisDavid #LaMortDeSocrate #RobertNozick
#RobertNozick #lamortdesocrate #jacqueslouisdavid #socrates #theexaminedlife #thegoodlife
It’s a wrap!!
Safe travels to all #Socrates #Crete 2023 participants travelling back home! Hope to see you all again next year!!
#socrates #crete #softwarecraft