#MyLittleBigBuddy and I are taking the #PrideOrange #WarMachine out on #AnotherAdventure in #TheOutside #Today...
Once we've #Finished our #BaconSammidges...
At the #Risk of being #TooMysterious... We're #SoExcited; there's going to be #EggCups...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🥚🦹🥤🦄🥤🦹🥚
#mylittlebigbuddy #prideorange #warmachine #anotheradventure #theoutside #today #finished #baconsammidges #risk #toomysterious #soexcited #eggcups
My Bird Buddy came!!! And the first visitor (not captured because we were watching the livestream) was a bluebird!!! #birds #SoExcited #BirdBuddy
Just over a week to go little man! Then mummy will be started off to bring you into this world 🌎💙 see you soon for cuddles 🥰 xxxxxxxxxxxx #soexcited
"You may fire when ready, Gridley" is one of the more famous quotes in the U.S. Navy. They were said by Admiral Dewey to Captain Gridley on board the USS Olympia at the beginning of the Battle of Manila Bay.
Today I learned Gridley served as the Executive Office of the Constellation in 1887-1888. Constellation is the ship I am researching. This caused me to bounce up and down when I found out.
#amresearching #usnavy #goodships #soexcited
Aww my baby nephew could be here by the end of May! So close, but yet so bloody far 🤣 #soexcited #countingdown Can’t wait to meet him for cuddles 🥰 xx
RT @GastroHealthDoc
Absolutely can’t wait… 💃🏽👠#ScrubsNHeels23
#soexcited https://twitter.com/dcharabaty/status/1626377923719745536
#scrubsnheels23 #womenpower #gutsgritglam #soexcited
I invested in a #CrossStitch program to begin working on my designs! #soexcited
In personal news, my permaculture design course started this week and I AM SO STOKED. My classmates come from all over: US (many states), Kenya, Georiga, Canada, India, Turkey, Switzerland, Tunisia, UK, Colombia, Pakistan.
#permaculture #LifelongLearning #SoExcited #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateResilience #RegenerativeAgriculture
#permaculture #lifelonglearning #soexcited #climate #climatechange #climateresilience #regenerativeagriculture
We've got a big surprise coming soon and we can't wait to tell you about it!
#soexcited #smallbusiness #showersnacks
bon pour aujourd'hui c'est une peu juste sauf si vous aimez jardiner à la frontale... bref...
#JardinerAvecLaLune #Janvier
✿ mardi 3 janvier ✿
jour : racine
lune : ascendante
Par contre demain c'est pareil et nous pouvons commencer à semer : des navets, des radis, peut être quelques carottes et les oignons de début de saison.
par contre tadammm... On vient de recevoir les #vignes qu'on va planter entre le 9 et le 12 #SoExcited !
#Syrah #Grenache
#jardineraveclalune #janvier #vignes #soexcited #syrah #grenache #jardin #potager #fruitier #bio
@fishornofish I have been trying to find a spring race that fits with the chaos and this is one I have been eyeing for a while! #SoExcited
Okay, I have permission to share some BIG NEWS:
Dalindyebo Shabalala will be joining us at #SuffolkLaw next year!!
#suffolklaw #lawprofs #iplawprofs #soexcited
Want to write some more but I'm waiting on my Saltwater Socks book to arrive and thus it's basically xmas TODAY!
Oh Hobi .. I'm ready too! 😍 💜
#bts #jhope #jackinthebox #mamaawards #soexcited
Check out my hot new release! You can buy it, below, or read for free in Kindle Unlimited today! 🥳🔥💕
#checkmeout #sandracarmel #amwritingromance #romanceauthor #romancewriter #freeinkindleunlimited #orderyourstoday #soexcited #buynow #contemporaryromance #romanticsuspense #steamynovella #heartsindanger #anthology #protectorromance #guardedhearts #hotnewrelease
Hey les mastochoux... du #manga et de la #science avec un seul compte: @pellichi est arrivée sur mastodon!!! #SoExcited.
@tesla Excited to get to work! My Tesla (R) is driving in circles in the middle of the freeway, I should be at Twitter headquarters by next Wednesday!! #hardcore #soExcited