For someone who doesn’t really post anything, and just likes a lot of things, I sure do get followed a lot here…. #SoFarSoGood
Also, did I mention that last night I cut the cord and deleted my backup account? No need for that anymore, says me.
#hangintheretrumpet #sofarsogood #thentodayhappened
@ellotheth I've just got the app, and it seems alright. Thanks for the tip #sofarsogood
Currently 2 hours into 2023, so far so good.
#sofarsogood #2023 #newyear2023 #newyear
#sofarsogood #newyear2023 #newyear
Hoe lang zou dit goed gaan ? 🤔🎄😻 @lusciousvixen @Tessa75 🤞#CatsOfMastodon #CatsInChristmasTree #CatsSittingVeryWellBehaved #SoFarSoGood
#catsofmastodon #catsinchristmastree #catssittingverywellbehaved #sofarsogood
After recently primarily coding in #Laravel and #Python going back to working on #Wordpress is a bit .. urrrg .. but just loaded up 6.1.1 and things are improving. The #WordpressFullSiteEditor is coming along and theme.json is just the right amount of theme meta control without having to resort to hackery. #SoFarSoGood
#laravel #python #wordpress #wordpressfullsiteeditor #sofarsogood
@ericjwrites Agree completely. I've been locked down on Twitter for a few years now, after experiencing the joy of a right-wing pile-on back in 2016. So far, I am unlocked here and quite enjoying it. #SoFarSoGood
There is so much to love about this.
I will start with inherently allowing everyone to be themselves, drop or find a #Hashtag and just #sofarsogood
So, been here just over two weeks now and I will say, I am liking it. Without going into the whole #TwittervsMastodon #kurfeffle, things I have come to like:
* Only shows stuff in the feed from folks you, actually, follow
* No algorithmic manipulation of what I see
* Helping me get over the #SocialDilemma
I don't know what I will do to my :twitter: account. We will see.
Well, you can find me on PixelFed:
#Mastodon #Fediverse #aintmigrationyet #sofarsogood #socialdilemma #kurfeffle #TwittervsMastodon
#sofarsogood V noci se v logu nic zvlastniho neobjevilo a ted jsem presel na 4.0.2.
@BritalianVal This is why I feel at home here on Mastodon, it's the depth of interaction with people about topics that really mean something to you personally.
@s1ckb0y #SoFarSoGood is way better than the older music by #TheChainsmokers
Really hoping the rest of these FreeBSD OS upgrades go along w/no need for terminal input #sofarsogood #hashtag