build completed! I might 3d print a case at some point
now I need to go steal some keycaps from and old keyboard
Stáňa has a 3d printed enclosure #mechkeyboard #soflekeyboard #stanakeyboard #mechanicalkeyboard
#mechanicalkeyboard #stanakeyboard #soflekeyboard #mechkeyboard
I have just finished the first Stáňa Kyboard! Now I need to design the case and test how it suits me. #mechkeyboard #soflekeyboard #stanakeyboard #mechanicalkeyboard
#mechanicalkeyboard #stanakeyboard #soflekeyboard #mechkeyboard
Stáňa just got her first PCB prototypes. #mechkeyboard #soflekeyboard #stanakeyboard
#stanakeyboard #soflekeyboard #mechkeyboard
Stáňa just got her first PCB prototypes. #mechkeyboard #soflekeyboard #stanakeyboard
#mechkeyboard #soflekeyboard #stanakeyboard
I wrote some notes and thoughts regarding
Stáňa AKA Sofle Unsplit
#mechkeyboard #keyboard #diy #soflekeyboard
#soflekeyboard #DIY #keyboard #mechkeyboard
Sofle Unsplit has its own name: Stáňa and its own logo. The first iteration of the design is done.
#SofleKeyboard #mechkeyboard #mechanicalkeyboard #diykeyboard #stanakeyboard #pcb #kicad
#kicad #pcb #stanakeyboard #diykeyboard #mechanicalkeyboard #mechkeyboard #soflekeyboard
I suppose I am in #diy #keyboard mode again! #soflekeyboard #unsplit
#unsplit #soflekeyboard #keyboard #DIY