We welcome Allan Pead to #DevConf!
Allan is a CTO, architect & software developer with more than 20 years experience.
He has a great topic which you can explore on the agenda on our website.
You can also find his LinkedIn details, on the same page, to connect.
#DevConf2023 #technologist #speaker #softwarearchitect
#devconf #DevConf2023 #technologist #speaker #softwareArchitect
The interesting part, IMHO, is that I have not encountered that much literature about the shifts of Paradigm in the software industry and its implications (like when humanity switched from a Geocentric model of the world to Heliocentric one).
Curious to read more on the subject... Think this scientific and philosophical approach will be quite interesting for the #developer and #SoftwareArchitect I am...
Interesting.... Have been listening to a podcast about Thomas Kuhn and his book « The Structure of Scientific Revolutions »...
Podcast explains the concept of the Paradigm that Kuhn defines as « Universally recognized scientific achievements that, for a time, provide model problems and solutions to a community of practitioners ».
Now, I'm not a scientist nor a philosopher, but a #developer and #SoftwareArchitect... So why would I care?
Well the similarity with #DomainDrivenDesign struck me.
#developer #softwareArchitect #domaindrivendesign
People do this #introduction thing, let's be a sheep.
I'm a #programmer (actually #softwareArchitect) mainly working in #cpp on a #supplyChain product. I have an interest in #clang, #llvm and #linux .
From #flanders #belgium , so must be fan of #nerdlandpodcast (and too many other ones)
Looking forward to connections from which I can learn small things to improve myself.
#Introduction #programmer #softwareArchitect #cpp #supplyChain #clang #llvm #linux #Flanders #belgium #nerdlandpodcast
What I really do these days is draw rectangles and arrows on whiteboards and sketch out pseudo-code on notebooks.
#softwareArchitect #enterpriseArchitect #ensw #software #php #abap #ui5 #javascript #node #aws
#aws #node #javascript #ui5 #abap #php #software #ensw #enterpriseArchitect #softwareArchitect