Lars Wirzenius · @liw
1242 followers · 6690 posts · Server

In a complex system, surprising coupling between unrelated components is clearly the best thing to have and what every software architect should aim for.

#sarcasm #coupling #softwarearchitecure

Last updated 1 year ago

Thinking about attending at the end of March. Any insights from previous attendees, is it worth it?

I'm mainly interested in software and infrastructure architecture and everything about . From its website, those topics should be well covered, but who knows 😎

#softwarearchitecure #qcon #devops #qconlondon

Last updated 2 years ago

last senpai · @big
131 followers · 774 posts · Server

Speaker discusses a few architectural patterns ranging from distributed , , and "vertical slice" SOA .. but (independently?) arrives at .

The crux of the talk is that independent services driven by message streams are a good thing. Which I agree with. But the conclusion, assembling the UI from published backend event streams, seemingly turning the presentation to a "data registry" with device shims is .. novel.

#monoliths #microservices #microfrontends #softwarearchitecure

Last updated 2 years ago

Risotto Bias · @risottobias
230 followers · 519 posts · Server

Can the world's apps run without the ?

E.g. instead of
Tailscale, all that jazz

Do you see a way to help more?

I currently think and are the big holdouts (besides big data, which I'm fine with not subsidizing) - it's hard to do those without scale...

How would you make the world more (without scam mining)

#softwarearchitecure #cloud #torrent #cdn #selfhost #search #databases #distributed

Last updated 2 years ago