Balloon-Eye View via Ham Radio - If you’ve ever thought about launching a high-altitude balloon, there’s much to co... - #highaltitudeballoon #videostreaming #softwarehacks #raspberrypi #radiohacks #balloon
#balloon #radiohacks #raspberrypi #softwarehacks #videostreaming #highaltitudeballoon
Jenny’s Daily Drivers: Raspberry Pi Desktop - One of the more exciting prospects upon receiving one of the earliest Raspberry Pi... - #raspberrypidesktop #hackadaycolumns #operatingsystem #computerhacks #softwarehacks #raspberrypi
#raspberrypi #softwarehacks #computerhacks #operatingsystem #hackadaycolumns #raspberrypidesktop
AI Assistant Translates Your Every Request For The Command Line - If you don’t live on the command line, it can be easy to forget the exact syntax o... - #artificialintelligence #commandlinetools #softwarehacks #commandline #chatgpt
#chatgpt #commandline #softwarehacks #commandlinetools #artificialintelligence
Text Compression Gets Weirdly Efficient With LLMs - It used to be that memory and storage space were so precious and so limited of a r... - #artificialintelligence #losslesscompression #lossycompression #textcompression #softwarehacks #neuralnetwork #compression #winzip #llm
#llm #winzip #compression #neuralnetwork #softwarehacks #textcompression #lossycompression #losslesscompression #artificialintelligence
Explore FFmpeg From the Comfort of your Browser - If you’re looking to manipulate video, FFmpeg is one of the most powerful tools ou... - #softwarehacks #compression #encoding #webbased #ffmpeg #codec #video
#video #codec #ffmpeg #webbased #encoding #compression #softwarehacks
QSPICE Picks Up Where LTSpice Left Us - [Mike Engelhardt] is a name that should be very familiar to the hardcore electroni... - #mikeengelhardt #softwarehacks #mixed-mode #simulation #toolhacks #ltspice #verilog #analog #power #qorvo #spice #c
#c #spice #qorvo #power #analog #verilog #ltspice #toolhacks #simulation #mixed #softwarehacks #mikeengelhardt
Where Did Your PCB Go Wrong? KiRI knows - When working on a PCB design in KiCad, it’s helpful that the files are all text an... - #softwarehacks #plotgitsch #pcbhacks #kicad
#kicad #pcbhacks #plotgitsch #softwarehacks
Update Your Chinese Radio Without The Pain - The new hotness in cheap radios this year has been the Quansheng UV-K5, a Chinese ... - #firmwareupdate #softwarehacks #quansheng #webserial
#webserial #quansheng #softwarehacks #firmwareupdate
MS-DOS Meets the Fediverse - By now, most Windows users are set up with decently functional machines running Wi... - #retrocomputing #softwarehacks #socialmedia #networking #fediverse #mastodon #tcp/ip #ibmpc #dos
#dos #ibmpc #tcp #mastodon #fediverse #networking #socialmedia #softwarehacks #retrocomputing
Super Mario In sed, Sort Of - We definitely needed to reach for a sed reference guide for this one, but looking ... - #supermarioworld #softwarehacks #graphical #nintendo #games #sed
#sed #games #nintendo #graphical #softwarehacks #supermarioworld
Browser-Based Robot Dog Simulator in ~800 Lines of Code - [Sergii] has been learning about robot simulation and wrote up a basic simulator f... - #softwarehacks #robotshacks #simulator #physics #robodog #unitree #rapier
#rapier #unitree #robodog #physics #simulator #robotshacks #softwarehacks
Kalman Filters without the Math - If you program using values that represent anything in the real world, you have pr... - #kalmanfiltering #softwarehacks #kalmanfilter
#kalmanfilter #softwarehacks #kalmanfiltering
Jenny’s Daily Drivers: FreeBSD 13.2 - Last month I started a series in which I try out different operating systems with ... - #operatingsystem #computerhacks #softwarehacks #dailydriver #featured #freebsd #bsd
#bsd #freebsd #featured #dailydriver #softwarehacks #computerhacks #operatingsystem
An Open-Source, Free Circuit Simulator #circuitsimulation #softwarehacks #opensource #qucsstudio #software #spice #free #qucs
#circuitsimulation #softwarehacks #opensource #qucsstudio #software #spice #free #qucs
An Open-Source, Free Circuit Simulator - The original circuit simulation software, called the Simulation Program with Integ... - #circuitsimulation #softwarehacks #opensource #qucsstudio #software #spice #free #qucs
#qucs #free #spice #software #qucsstudio #opensource #softwarehacks #circuitsimulation
Where Old Files Go To Die - We all lead digital lives, and we work in and on files of one sort or another. And... - #softwarehacks #graveyard #files #art
#art #files #graveyard #softwarehacks
Text-to-Speech Model Can Do Music, Background Noises, and Sound Effects - Bark is a universal text-to-audio model that can not only create realistic speech,... - #artificialintelligence #softwarehacks #texttospeech #generative #llm #tts #ai
#ai #tts #llm #generative #texttospeech #softwarehacks #artificialintelligence
Bridging a Gap Between LLMs and Programming With TypeChat - By now, large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT are old news. While not... - #largelanguagemodel #softwarehacks #programming #javascript #interface #typesafe #chatgpt #coding #openai #json #llm
#llm #json #openai #coding #chatgpt #typesafe #interface #javascript #programming #softwarehacks #largelanguagemodel
Who’s Afraid of Assembly Language? - This week, [Al Williams] wrote a great thought piece about whether or not it was w... - #assemblylanguage #hackadaycolumns #softwarehacks #newsletter #rants
#rants #newsletter #softwarehacks #hackadaycolumns #assemblylanguage
Practical Inductors in LTSpice - LTSpice and the underlying Spice engine does a great job of simulating ideal compo... - #softwarehacks #inductor #ltspice #parts #spice
#spice #parts #ltspice #inductor #softwarehacks