Thought this was a nice presentation of reciprocal and non-reciprocal open source licenses, and why this is not the most important debate to have about open source licenses right now.
#foss #floss #opensource #freesoftware #libresoftware #ls #copyleft #copyright #softwarelicense
#FOSS #floss #opensource #freesoftware #libresoftware #ls #copyleft #copyright #softwarelicense
I'm not a lawyer and I've never played one on TV. 😜
I believe when the authors release the modified software to the public, which in the case of the Affero GPL means the software is providing service to the public, the source code for the updated software must also be shared back to the public (through the copyright holder?).
I'm not sure about the details of how authors keep or give copyright for their modifications to the copyright holder of the original project or not...
I think you're right that the copyright holder can change the license for future versions, but I don't think that any author can change the license, which I think is the protection provided.
#copyright #copyrightholder #license #softwarelicense #changelicense
#copyright #copyrightholder #license #softwarelicense #changelicense
[en] Do Companies Still not Understand Software Licences?
Prof. Riehle talks about two apparently wrong interpretations of an Apache licence in one and the same case
#software #licence #license #softwarelicence #softwarelicense #apache #licenceviolation #licenseviolation
#licenseviolation #licenceviolation #apache #softwarelicense #softwarelicence #license #licence #software
Reads article. Hmm.. "Free open-source software is fundamentally broken." Really?
Checks license.... "MIT license." You see, there is the problem. #FreeSoftware is not broken, the problem is that #CoreJS is NOT free software, it is merely #OpenSource
Now we know why you must #GPL or GTFO. GPL is the only free #SoftwareLicense that protects you from EXACTLY the kind of exploitation that this poor guy has experienced -- his code used on 52% of the top 1000 websites, all that for practically no pay. That is exploitation.
@fsf needs to know about this as an example of why you should not use the MIT license. Not much they can do about it, except maybe try to convince the guy to re-license under the GPL.
#freesoftware #corejs #opensource #gpl #softwarelicense
People truly interested in software freedom must learn about
1. copyright law
2. legal aspects of contribution
Being aware is very important as many of these things cannot be changed later.
People should learn from the case of turkish javascript hacker Azer Koçulu vs NPM case.
Like any freedom, we have to work hard to maintain software freedom !
#copyright #law #legal #softwarelicense #awarenessmatters #SoftwareHub #Ankara #Turkey #Turkiye
#copyright #law #legal #softwarelicense #awarenessmatters #SoftwareHub #ankara #turkey #turkiye
Design of a new Software Freedom License (SFL), an algebraic approach (Sat, 19 Nov, 1830 hrs).
#License #CopyrightLaw #Legal #SoftwareLicense #SoftwareFreedom #SoftwareHub #Economics #Justice #ContractLaw #Ankara #Kayseri #Konya #Kahramanmaraş #Ordu #Samsun #Çorum #Trabzon #Ünye #Niğde #Adiyaman #Çankırı #Giresun #Afyonkarahisar #Gaziantep #Antalya #Adana #Sivas #turkiye
#license #copyrightlaw #legal #softwarelicense #softwarefreedom #SoftwareHub #economics #justice #contractlaw #ankara #Kayseri #konya #kahramanmaras #Ordu #samsun #corum #trabzon #unye #nigde #Adiyaman #cankiri #Giresun #Afyonkarahisar #gaziantep #antalya #adana #Sivas #turkiye
Why Fedora Decided to Give CC0 Licensed Code the Boot
#SoftwareDevelopment #creativecommons #softwarelicense #CurrentEvents #publicdomain #opensource #Featured #fedora
#softwaredevelopment #creativecommons #softwarelicense #CurrentEvents #publicdomain #opensource #Featured #fedora
Watch Out For Lasercutter Manufacturers Violating GPL
#GNUGeneralPublicLicense #softwarelicensing #softwarelicense #SoftwareHacks #copyright #license #legal #ortur #grbl #gpl
#GNUGeneralPublicLicense #softwarelicensing #softwarelicense #SoftwareHacks #copyright #license #legal #ortur #grbl #gpl
Matthew Garrett looked at the #FreedomPhone - and was very very unimpressed. Their #fork of #Signal seems both a #privacy and #SoftwareLicense #violation
Probably par for the course for people who pretend to be for free speech but just means they want to espouse their hatred unfettered though.
#violation #softwarelicense #privacy #Signal #fork #freedomphone