@evan Hey Evan, I'm an Ambassador for Software Heritage although I am a man of diverse interests and mostly Toot art, music, song lyrics and links to podcasts 🙆🏻♂️
Here is the latest newsletter from #SoftwareHeritage: https://softwareheritage.org/newsletter/
#softwareheritage #softwaresustainability #openscience
#introduction I'm a scientist interested in discovering and developing materials that solve problems. Most of my experiments are simulations! (Density-functional theory to be precise.) I like helping researchers get the most out of these calculations and work on various bits of Free Software to that end.
I also make music and have been working my way down the DIY modular synthesiser #SynthDIY rabbit hole.
Found some science friends, want to follow more #SoftwareSustainability and synth nerds
#Introduction #synthdiy #softwaresustainability
#introduction I'm Dan Katz, Chief Scientist at NCSA (https://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/) at U Illinois and Assoc Res Prof in CS, ECE, and our iSchool. I'm also a co-founder of ReSA (https://www.researchsoft.org/), US-RSE (https://us-rse.org/), JOSS (https://joss.theoj.org/), and URSSI (https://urssi.us/). I work on #researchsoftware #softwaresustainability #softwarecitation #policy #RSEng #scholcomm #FAIR #FAIR4RS #FAIR4ML #cyberinfrastructure #HPC
Hobbies: #photography #birdphotography #reading #walks
#introduction #researchsoftware #softwaresustainability #softwarecitation #policy #rseng #scholcomm #fair #FAIR4RS #FAIR4ML #cyberinfrastructure #hpc #photography #birdphotography #reading #walks