#SoftwareVisualization — Challenge, Accepted https://engineering.atspotify.com/2022/07/software-visualization-challenge-accepted/ cc \@simonbrown
Visualization of #LucaApp's software development #provenance graph. Initial commit activities left, discussion & issue change activities right. The graph shows all W3C PROV entities, activities, and agents as graph nodes. Provenance generation: https://t.co/GVidFeDzfD. Visualization: Gephi. Layout algorithm: Yifan Hu. #GitLab2PROV #SoftwareVisualization
#softwarevisualization #GitLab2PROV #provenance #lucaapp
All (three) of our poster/demo submissions have been accepted for #VRST2018 http://vrst.acm.org/vrst2018/ #SoftwareVisualization #IntelligentUI #AR #VR #ExplainableAI
#explainableai #vr #ar #intelligentui #softwarevisualization #vrst2018
We are offering a researcher position on #SoftwareVisualization. Lot's of freedom to conduct research on visualization of large software systems with #AR, #VR or #Web. https://www.dlr.de/dlr/jobs/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10596/1003_read-29622/ #Cologne #HCI
#hci #cologne #web #vr #ar #softwarevisualization
We present our works on #SoftwareVisualization at #FrOSCon13. Children are particularly interested in #VR and #AR :) #FrOSCon
#froscon #ar #vr #froscon13 #softwarevisualization
DLR student Lisa Nafeie will present "Visualization of OSGi Based Software Architectures in Virtual Reality" at OSGi Community Event: https://www.osgi.org/2018-osgi-community-event/early-bird-pick/ #VR #VirtualReality #SoftwareVisualization
#softwarevisualization #virtualreality #vr