Weather dries up. #Catpest goes out. Within ten minutes it's raining buckets and he's nowhere to be seen. At my third yell, he came charging across the garden as if the Hound of the Baskervilles were after him.
While my back was turned, the intermittent drizzle we've had all afternoon turned into MONSOON conditions.
#InRelatedNews, the #catpest is now a #SoggyMoggy and he is Not Best Pleased about this.
Have given him an absorbent cotton mat to sit on and a handful of kibble.
#inrelatednews #catpest #soggymoggy
Was pleased to hear it pouring with rain on the conservatory roof as this means I don't have to go out and water the new plants in the garden.
Then I remembered the #catpest was outside.
Mild, bright afternoon so I thought I'd walk to Sainsbury's. Got 15 minutes down the road and it started to drizzle. Headed for a bus stop. By the time I came out, it was POURING. Oh well, It's good for the garden.
The #catpest, however, is not convinced. Did I mention I'd left him outside while I went to the shop?
A #SoggyMoggy is not a happy cat.