I am finally moving away from Simplify3d and Cura as my main slicers. After just 1 test print with PrusaSlicer, I am convinced this is what I will be using for all of my AD3D Store products going forward. Organic supports FTW!! No more support marks on my finished products and the overall finish of the model is clean and in my opinion from testing, stronger and better layered. Now to upgrade all my printers to TH3Ds Unified Firmware!! #sogood
#sogood #3dprinting #fdm #prusa #maker
Watch "Biggie Smalls - N.Y. State of mind (A.I. COVER)" on YouTube https://youtu.be/IFb5DQHP05I #SoGood #AI #Biggie #Music
I cooked a meal I’ve been craving for a little while—pinto beans, collard greens, and cornbread. I also stole a jar of chow chow out of my aunt’s fridge (sore bought, but we do what we gotta do). It was the best thing I’ve cooked in a long time. The cornbread was a tiny bit fluffier than I like - I prefer a thinner, crisper version - but otherwise it was wonderful. I need to plant some collard greens so I can have this meal more often. #dinner #food #SoGood.
My wife got me an Easter present of a chocolate chicken from Cedric Grolet in London. It is filled with little chocolate eggs filled with praline hazelnut filling. Excellent gift. #chocolate #Easter #chicken #SoGood
#chocolate #easter #chicken #sogood
If you are lucky enough to get some Girl Scout cookies, get the lemon ones. Trust me on this. #SoGood #NomNomNom
I was only a little baby at 14 years old when this album was released. I found a used copy on the rack at the CD store and I thought it looked cool so I bought it. Boy, was I in for a treat. I LOVED IT! This song in particular is my favorite. So I’m revisiting it today!
#BleedingThrough #Metalcore #SoGood
#sogood #metalcore #bleedingthrough
Me when I see that a new #AttackOnTitan dropped and it's an hour long. #SoGood
Smoked Polish sausage and mustard sandwich for lunch. Comfort food. #SoGood
#breadmaking smells are assaulting me via my brain's pleasure centers right now. my stomach is making noises in a futile attempt to defend my body.
and it is failing.
#breadmaking #baking #bread #sogood #foodie #cooking
another instance, another #introduction:
while i do my regular social whatsits else-server, i felt it'd be fun to have an account dedicated to #food as i'm a passionate af #foodie. i can talk about about its very prep, #cooking and serving forfuckingever and, honestly, have since supplanted small talk with it. to say nothing of the place food occupies within communities and civilization... it's #SoGood!
i'm a #HomeCook with no formal training (but with ample experience hosting events of no small scale) and have been serious about #cookery since '98.
big fan of:
- minimizing #FoodWaste
- resourcefulness
- #FoodPorn
- honoring #DietaryRestrictions
- #BreakingBreadTogether
- #CookingForOthers
- #CookingAsASocialActivity
- learning more
strongly against:
- gatekeeping, elitism, pretension and general shitting-on-what-others-enjoy
primary cuisines:
- #Filipino
- #Mexican
- #Italian
- #American
- #Chinese / #Japanese (#PanAsian, really)
- using up #leftovers
say hi!
#introduction #food #foodie #cooking #sogood #homecook #cookery #foodwaste #foodporn #dietaryrestrictions #breakingbreadtogether #cookingforothers #cookingasasocialactivity #filipino #mexican #italian #american #chinese #japanese #panasian #leftovers
Morning commute with coffee and GD 1/22/78 Terrapin>Drums>TOO> St Stephen>NFA>Around. Great start to the week. Positive vibes for all #GratefulDead #sogood
Have you ever suddenly discovered that you've been in a #selfdestructivebehavior phase out of the desperate need to feel hope and control again?
You aren't alone:
#selfdestructive #depressed #art #artist #depressive #anime #animelovers #cute #depressivememes #emotionalhealth #friends #fuckedup #funny #haha #happybutsad #iamcool #ifeelsad #justdoit #laugh #memes #norules #sodepressed #sogood #worried #ptsd #control #adhd
#healing #hope #innerguidance
#selfdestructivebehavior #selfdestructive #depressed #art #artist #depressive #anime #animelovers #cute #depressivememes #emotionalhealth #friends #fuckedup #funny #haha #happybutsad #iamcool #ifeelsad #JustDoIt #laugh #memes #norules #sodepressed #sogood #worried #ptsd #control #adhd #healing #hope #innerguidance
I'm not even going to may or might on this, RRR contains the single best montage in human history. #broLove #soGood #moviesToWatch
#brolove #sogood #moviestowatch