#Warcraft #NightElf #DemonHunter #Soifia #Dragonflight
Looking towards the still unknown North of Azeroth... what mysteries lie in those icy waters..
#warcraft #nightelf #demonhunter #soifia #dragonflight
#Warcraft #NightElf #DemonHunter #Soifia #TwinPeaks
My ode to Twin Peaks with this wee one... I truly hope they live up to the name
#warcraft #nightelf #demonhunter #soifia #twinpeaks
#Warcraft #NightElf #DemonHunter #Soifia #Alexstrasza
She is as stunning as always and rather effervescent in this light!
#warcraft #nightelf #demonhunter #soifia #alexstrasza
#Warcraft #NightElf #DemonHunter #Soifia #LoveTarantula
Okay, I so read Love Tarantula at first...
#warcraft #nightelf #demonhunter #soifia #lovetarantula
#Warcraft #NightElf #DemonHunter #Soifia
This is my expansion live, we've always been working. Nice to see all these people out here.. Hoping the boat doesn't crash and we all drown... happened before back in Wrath...
Also, got photobombed by an NPC
#warcraft #nightelf #demonhunter #soifia