Empiricism · @empiricism
262 followers · 862 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

is a social movement of grow-your-own food gardeners, small-scale to larger-scale farmers that refer to so as to grow sustainably. fao.org/home/en/

That begs the question, why isn't agroecology the most common system? The same reason why logging companies don't refer to the science of to sustain woodlands. Tree plantations are a short-term, get-rich-quick, industrial method that degrades ecosystems.

#agroecology #science #food #farming #ecology #soildegradation #speciesextinction

Last updated 1 year ago

acemaxx · @acemaxxanalytics
81 followers · 254 posts · Server econtwitter.net
Gary · @empiricism
286 followers · 1582 posts · Server qoto.org

Do you agree or disagree with my perception of reality?

1. We all live within an atmosphere that consists of gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. And particulate matter, etc.

2. Some of those gases & particles are generally healthy to inhale (In a certain %) - such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, and some are not healthy, such as (carcinogenic) carbon particles.

3. Burning wood produces toxic gases, greenhouse gases & carcinogenic carbon particles - that harm human health & the environment.

Good health-related guidance familiesforcleanair.org/myths/

An example of corporate greenwash bioenergy-news.com/news/burnin

Think? Does the website have a conflict of interest? (bioenergy website?) - If they're selling a product - are their views balanced? (very often, quite the opposite). The best place to learn about the environmental effects of any product - is typically *not* the product manufacturers or a sales website (if they mention any effects at all)

"the demand for wood pellets has sparked an increase in logging in the American south and across Europe. It's also fueled illegal old-growth logging in ecologically sensitive areas, including the Carpathian Mountains of Romania and national parks in Slovakia." smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/

Even if woodfuel was "Carbon neutral", which it's certainly not, sensible people would promote clean air renewable energy solutions. But, since when are industries eco-sensible? Maybe one day, though not yet.

Wood Smoke (pollution) References and Links - Particulate Pollution. woodsmokepollution.org/referen

#renewable #climate #health #extinction #globalwarming #forestfires #climatechange #cleanair #technology #woodlands #timber #biodiversity #wood #WoodFuel #airpollution #disease #Deforestration #TreePlantations #soil #soildegradation

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
286 followers · 1582 posts · Server qoto.org

Do you agree or disagree with my perception of reality?

1. We all live within an atmosphere that consists of gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc. And particulate matter, etc.

2. Some of those gases & particles are generally healthy to inhale (In a certain %) - such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, and some are not healthy, such as (carcinogenic) carbon particles.

3. Burning wood produces toxic gases, greenhouse gases & carcinogenic carbon particles - that harm human health & the environment.

Good health-related guidance familiesforcleanair.org/myths/

An example of corporate greenwash bioenergy-news.com/news/burnin

Think? Does the website have a conflict of interest? (bioenergy website?) - If they're selling a product - are their views balanced? (very often, quite the opposite). The best place to learn about the environmental effects of any product - is typical *not* the product manufacturers or a sales website (if they mention any effects at all)

"the demand for wood pellets has sparked an increase in logging in the American south and across Europe. It's also fueled illegal old-growth logging in ecologically sensitive areas, including the Carpathian Mountains of Romania and national parks in Slovakia." smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/

Even if woodfuel was "Carbon neutral", which it's certainly not, sensible people would promote clean air renewable energy solutions. But, since when are industries eco-sensible? Maybe one day, though not yet.

Wood Smoke (pollution) References and Links - Particulate Pollution. woodsmokepollution.org/referen

#technology #biodiversity #airpollution #soil #globalwarming #wood #WoodFuel #disease #Deforestration #TreePlantations #soildegradation #extinction #renewable #climate #health #woodlands #timber #forestfires #climatechange #cleanair

Last updated 2 years ago

acemaxx · @acemaxxanalytics
28 followers · 42 posts · Server econtwitter.net
ISOE · @isoewikom
121 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.social

Due to and unsustainable , up to 20% of the world's are no longer intact. These ecosystems contribute significantly to . This is how can be prevented using the exaple of : isoe.de/en/news/african-savann

#climatechange #landuse #drylands #biodiversity #soildegradation #namibia #worldsoilday

Last updated 2 years ago