Water Availability Creates Global Thresholds In Multidimensional Soil Biodiversity And Functions
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-023-02071-3 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #water #mapping #water #hydrology #biogeography #phylogeography #geography #global #environmental #biodiversity #productivity #agricultural #agriculture #farming #plant #microbe #soilscience #soilhealth #soil #soilfertility #soilconservation #soilmanagement #ecosystems #EnvironmentalThresholds #survey #fieldsurvey #climate #vegetation #watermanagement #waterconservation #rainfall #precipitation #EV #evaporation #evapotranspiration #biogeochemical #geochemical #bacteria #fungi #protists #invertebrates #model #modeling #soilcarbonsequestration #wateravailability #sustainable
#gis #spatial #water #mapping #hydrology #biogeography #phylogeography #geography #global #environmental #biodiversity #productivity #agricultural #agriculture #farming #plant #Microbe #soilscience #soilhealth #soil #soilfertility #soilconservation #soilmanagement #ecosystems #environmentalthresholds #survey #fieldsurvey #climate #vegetation #watermanagement #waterconservation #rainfall #precipitation #ev #evaporation #evapotranspiration #biogeochemical #geochemical #bacteria #fungi #protists #invertebrates #model #modeling #soilcarbonsequestration #wateravailability #sustainable
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-tree-diversity-carbon-storage-soil.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-04-tree-diversity-carbon-storage-soil.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1651263190188081152#m
New study finds tree diversity increases #carbonstorage, #soilfertility in forests @ualberta @nature https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-05941-9 https://phys.org/news/2023-04-tree-diversity-carbon-storage-soil.html
I think the first few pages are self-praising crap (which you need to sell a book like this 🤷). But from the rest of the book I expect helpful insights for my work in the field! 😅
#biodiversity #soilfertility
昨日のセミナー第一弾。京都府立大学の矢内先生をお招きいたしました。#kyotoprefecturaluniversity #seminar #plantnutrition #soilfertility #北海道大学 #農学部 #作物栄養
#作物栄養 #農学部 #北海道大学 #soilfertility #plantnutrition #seminar #kyotoprefecturaluniversity
昨日のセミナー第一弾。京都府立大学の矢内先生をお招きいたしました。#kyotoprefecturaluniversity #seminar #plantnutrition #soilfertility #北海道大学 #農学部 #作物栄養
#作物栄養 #農学部 #北海道大学 #soilfertility #plantnutrition #seminar #kyotoprefecturaluniversity
¡Únase HOY a la celebración del #DíaMundialDelSuelo!
"Suelos: Donde comienzan los alimentos"
El suelo ayuda a cultivar nuestros alimentos y a sostener nuestra forma de vida.
El Día Mundial del Suelo es una oportunidad para que celebremos colectivamente este recurso vital.
#soilfertility #soilhealth #soilscience #diamundialdelsuelo
If you want to improve #soilfertility in your #homegarden, use compost #gardeningtips #organicfarming
#organicfarming #gardeningtips #homegarden #soilfertility
If you want to improve #soilfertility in your #homegarden, use compost
#organicfarming #gardeningtips #homegarden #soilfertility
If you want to improve #soilfertility in your #homegarden, use compost
#organicfarming #gardeningtips #homegarden #soilfertility