controlfreak · @controlfreak
516 followers · 1251 posts · Server

based on the HUGE lol poll response here is horseradish! ...and some apple leaves starting to turn, and some bonus calendula reaching for a beam of autumnal sunshine

stay vertical. garden hard!

#gardening #Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
516 followers · 1251 posts · Server

based on the HUGE lol poll response here is horseradish! ...and some apple leaves starting to turn, and some bonus calendula reaching for a beam of autumnal sunshine

stay vertical. garden hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
515 followers · 1248 posts · Server

apologies to any dirtheads out there for my abhorrent lack of farming and gardening pics. IRL has been even more exceptionally demoralising lately and we haven't had the spoons nor the mindset to try and lift others and that admittedly stinks.

so today I promise to post some green or brown or autumn or floral or something something

would you like:


Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
491 followers · 1144 posts · Server

from around the grounds

finished seating and affixing another 3.2 metre extension to this raised bed with bowed and generally 3rd grade leftovers and re-used macrocarpa beams. first section has strawberries, middle section has asparagus book ended by sage and oregano, this section will have...?

background, mrs freak got some end of season cane trimming done early this weekend in the berry cages.

bunch of stupid mowing, oh and fun fact we had a fucking frost the other night. so that's one on right before the first day of summer and this one before the last day of summer. this one was much less damaging. drought was at least slightly broken the other day.

stay vertical out there

garden hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
480 followers · 1113 posts · Server

someone more eloquent or optimistic than I can subtext this. I suppose there is an allegory or a you can do it or a hang in there baby or something in it

a single sunflower bursts forth on the edge of a block of plants stunted by a violent spring, freezing then drought summer, you can see how some have just packed it in and shriveled.

be mighty like this flower

garden hard!

#gardening #florasponence #soilspondence #fedifarm

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
480 followers · 1112 posts · Server

sorry been slack on the and farm

between shit health, still recovering property and trying to save/stagger/extend/regrow crops from horrid spring, then early freezing summer, now drought, and with launching the wee fedi radio project, haven't really felt like doing the posts.

serious existential crises around food production and the demise of regional overlap and resiliency given everywhere seems to be wrecking crops all the time. gonna have to build more "indoor" growing space. at small scale things getting wrekt or even just limited/delayed hits ultra hard.

We bumble along. compost is being made. most of the apples survived the frosts, winds, and now drought. the greenhouse is finally kicked into high gear albeit late as hell.

first batch of cukes goes straight to fridge pickles, they wont last long.

garden Hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence #gardening

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
452 followers · 1005 posts · Server


dunt dunt dunt dunt dun dunt


little late this year due to rubbish spring and cold start to summer (with freezes). got about 1000 pulled. another 2k to go another day. been scaling up pretty nicely over the past 4 years. It's a lot of manual labour but we just crank up the boombox and all hands on deck it. small hiccup last year with some small sized stuff but we are still self sufficient to expand each year using our own seed stock and have developed a very flavourful and well keeping stock for market throughout the year. we still have a bit of last years harvest going out in orders. this years crop is a nice mix of sizes and given the trying conditions, great success!

next step is mesh rack for a few days, then hanging in shed for a couple weeks before final brush and cut.

garden hard!

#gardening #Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
452 followers · 1005 posts · Server


dunt dunt dunt dunt dun dunt


little late this year due to rubbish spring and cold start to summer (with freezes). got about 1000 pulled. another 2k to go another day. been scaling up pretty nicely over the past 4 years. It's a lot of manual labour but we just crank up the boombox and all hands on deck it. small hiccup last year with some small sized stuff but we are still self sufficient to expand each year using our own seed stock and have developed a very flavourful and well keeping stock for market throughout the year. we still have a bit of last years harvest going out in orders. this years crop is a nice mix of sizes and given the trying conditions, great success!

next step is mesh rack for a few days, then hanging in shed for a couple weeks before final brush and cut.

garden hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
444 followers · 957 posts · Server

Twas an absolute scorcher today. Greenhouse hit 44 but the figs are fine! Did about 30 little field jobs today and a crappe tonne of mowing. Some highlights from a hot but bright and blue day.

These figs kill fascists!

And, did the final summer stagger plantings at the bottom of one of the outer field gardens. Spuds, zuchinni, pumpkins and melons seeded and hiding under the fresh mulch.

Garden hard!

#fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
434 followers · 898 posts · Server

It is Tuedsay my dudes. If you need some greenscapes here are some broadbeans gettin ready to bean and just being generally rad.

Garden hard!

#fedifarm #gardening #floraspondence #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
434 followers · 898 posts · Server

It is Tuedsay my dudes. If you need some greenscapes here are some broadbeans gettin ready to bean and just being generally rad.

Garden hard!

#gardening #floraspondence #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

Soy Juan Mastodon · @controlfreak
433 followers · 899 posts · Server

been helping a family member recover from surgery, I fell the other week and my knee went twice it's size so that hasn't helped farm work, and of course the great late spring blizzard then gale winds damaged so much property and crops. So here is something of an allegory...

a couple weeks ago, in summer mind you, I posted the surprise overnight FROST that damaged a lot of young crops, so here is a visual update.

I'm no optimist but I suspect the Earth Mother is telling us to be MIGHTY like these pumpkins! Get pushed back, get burnt, get stunted and staggerd, but keep fighting out there.

garden hard!

#gardening #uplifting #Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

Soy Juan Mastodon · @controlfreak
433 followers · 899 posts · Server

been helping a family member recover from surgery, I fell the other week and my knee went twice it's size so that hasn't helped farm work, and of course the great late spring blizzard then gale winds damaged so much property and crops. So here is something of an allegory...

a couple weeks ago, in summer mind you, I posted the surprise overnight FROST that damaged a lot of young crops, so here is a visual update.

I'm no optimist but I suspect eh Earthe Mother is telling us to be MIGHTY like these pumpkins! Get pushed back, get burnt, get stunted and staggerd, but keep fighting out there.

garden hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
422 followers · 823 posts · Server

@cousinsd nice setup. I have felt alone on . hit that up with your soil adventures


Last updated 2 years ago

Petra van Cronenburg · @NatureMC
683 followers · 2198 posts · Server
controlfreak · @controlfreak
414 followers · 794 posts · Server

slightly more positive

knew last night and today were to be gentle showers. got the next section of radish, beetroot, carrot prepped and seeded. The staggered blocks of planting works well for family and neighbour supply as well as small scale market availabilty which is highly volatile.

Existing garlic and root crops seemed unaffected unlike the poor pumpkins and carrots by the recent very cold nights. Projections look like I will be covering and frost fighting this weekend, in "summer". Awesome, who doesn't want more shit breaking.

Garden hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
394 followers · 714 posts · Server

around the grounds

shout out to mrs freak for tidying the greenhouse floor today. new spring mandarin flowers and lovely smelling lemon buds, and heaps of new figs coming on.

worked a bit in the herbs triangle

finished clearing some new space and put down weed mat and transplanted last years oregano and sage starts next last years transplants that are going heck for leather. sawdust mulched. proper mediteranean oregano is freakin delicious.

planted a big ass row of sunflower seed down the side edge. still some space to add.

garden hard!

#Farmageddon #fedifarm #soilspondence

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
394 followers · 714 posts · Server

corn and pumpkins and sunflowers OH MY

in case you noticed the burnt edges, fear not there is no roundup in our hood, we use pine oil or geranium oil for that kind of thing or to kockdown emerging thistle etc around the place

last year I posted about our work to scale up sunflowers from a small batch of untreated seed in 2 varieties. commercial sunflower seed is usually coated in fungicides. well we had heaps of harvest and so far so good this year for multplying. greet protein feed supplement for our compost ally birds and well for the people too.

garden hard!

#opensourceseeds #soilspondence #Farmageddon #fedifarm

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
394 followers · 714 posts · Server

we try to plant in staggered blocks to secure continuous supply for self and market

here is an upcoming section of roots including radish, dill, beetroot and carrots

garlic is flanking on the left

#soilspondence #Farmageddon #fedifarm

Last updated 2 years ago

controlfreak · @controlfreak
394 followers · 714 posts · Server

well I'm done mourning the total rubbish run of luck the past month or so with crop and property losses. you can get a taste it in my feed if you want to comiserate. so let's celebrate what has survived.

let's get back to the

BABY PEARS doot doot doo doot doo doot

#soilspondence #Farmageddon #fedifarm

Last updated 2 years ago