Ariadne · @ariadne
984 followers · 644 posts · Server

" UPDATE: This website,, began in 1997 with the first stirrings of Solar Cycle 23 (SC23). The timing was right. In the years that followed, SC23 produced the strongest solar flare of the Space Age (X45), the infamous Halloween Storms of 2003, and multiple episodes of Northern Lights as far south as Texas and California. Could it happen again? New Solar Cycle 25 is heading in the same direction"

#solar #cycle #spaceweather #sunspots #sunspot #solarcycle #solarFlare #solarflares

Last updated 1 year ago

ScienceActually · @scienceactually
57 followers · 203 posts · Server

The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations.

#science #sciencefacts #solarFlare #geomagneticstorm #carringtonevent

Last updated 1 year ago

SpaceXploration is a . Always has been.

Lots of to produce that withstand conditions (incl ) whilst collecting and communicating over vast distances.

Its easy to label the following as conspiratorial, but what purpose might it *really* serve? What '' are they *really* talking about exploring and ?


#scam #fiatmoney #autonomousvehicles #hostile #radiation #information #space #dominating #spacex #spaceexploration #el #elevation #on #sun #ancientLanguage #god #sunGod #solarFlare

Last updated 3 years ago

Are they preparing to bring down . Take a look at the headlines from the of Australia, the .

Also see the kind of extremely superficial reporting on , and how they are trying to condition into embracing , and being a for the benefit of the regime.

#TheInternet #NationalBroadcaster #australianbroadcastingcorporation #theUkraine #Australians #ww3 #martyr #neonazi #solarstorm #solarFlare #bitcoinWar #legacymedia #repitition #hypnosis

Last updated 3 years ago
A is overdue. Store any that you have in a faraday bag.


#solarFlare #bitcoins

Last updated 4 years ago