There hasn't been much sun here over the summer, so I have stopped the #solardyeing experiments. The last two skeins were dyed with St John's wort (green) and logwood in the forth draw. In used bleached wool yarn (Kampes 2-trĂ¥digt ullgarn) and mordanted with aluminum formate.
#naturaldyeing #DyeingYarn
#dyeingyarn #naturaldyeing #solardyeing
I've been experimenting with #solardyeing this summer.
The latest skeins have just dried. The green one was dyed with weigela florida flowers on bleached wool yarn. The purple one was dyed with logwood in the 3. draw on handspun local wool yarn. Both yarns were mordanted with alum.
#fiberarts #dyeingyarn #dyeing #plantdyeing #solardyeing