Das Solar Dynamics Observatory der NASA verfolgt dynamische Vorgänge auf der Sonne seit 2010. Der Satellit liefert täglich riesige Datenmengen, um Ereignisse wie Sonneneruptionen besser vorherzusehen.
#UnserUniversum #Sonneneruption #SolarDynamicsObservatory
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#unseruniversum #sonneneruption #solardynamicsobservatory
Gizmodo: NASA Spacecraft Will Reunite With Earth After 17 Years of Studying the Sun https://gizmodo.com/nasa-stereo-a-earth-17-years-sun-1850730286 #solarandheliosphericobservatory #goddardspaceflightcenter #solardynamicsobservatory #coronalmassejection #technologyinternet #likaguhathakurta #livingwithastar #solartelescopes #solarphenomena #stellarcorona #spaceweather #spaceplasmas #environment #terrykucera #coronalloop #tonigalvin #stereo #sun
#solarandheliosphericobservatory #goddardspaceflightcenter #solardynamicsobservatory #coronalmassejection #technologyinternet #likaguhathakurta #livingwithastar #solartelescopes #solarphenomena #stellarcorona #spaceweather #spaceplasmas #environment #terrykucera #coronalloop #tonigalvin #stereo #sun
Solar Dynamics Observatory neemt zeer krachtige X1.6 zonnevlam waar
De Zon zond een zeer sterke zonnevlam uit die op 5 augustus 2023 zijn maximum bereikte. Het Solar Dynamics Observatory van de NASA, dat constant naar de Zon kijkt, maakte een foto van de gebeurtenis.
#zonnevlam #zon #uitbarsting #solardynamicsobservatory #sdo
Yes, there WAS a deep #SolarEclipse for the #SolarDynamicsObservatory around 2:45 UTC or 1 1/2 hours ago: with the tool https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/aiahmi/ you can generate movies from AIA and HMI images, and the #EUV camera AIA caught the eclipse well while the HMI had only one hit, the one shown in the preceding post.
#EUV #solardynamicsobservatory #solareclipse
Yes, there WAS a deep #SolarEclipse for the #SolarDynamicsObservatory around 2:45 UTC or 1 1/2 hours ago: with the tool https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/aiahmi/ you can generate movies from AIA and HMI images, and the #EUV camera AIA caught the eclipse well while the HMI had only one hit, the one shown in the preceding post.
#EUV #solardynamicsobservatory #solareclipse
Strange things happening to the #SolarDynamicsObservatory right now ... the HMI white-light view https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest/latest_4096_HMII.jpg from 2:30 UTC today (20 May 2023; left) showed something roundish occulting part of the disk, while the 3:11 UTC view has it gone but the image is out of focus now; never saw that before either. We are close to new moon right now, but whether this had something to do with this I can't tell (the SDO in is geosynchronous orbit 36,000 km above the Earth).
There is a #SolarEclipse happening RIGHT NOW ... not on Earth, though, but for the #SolarDynamicsObservatory in its #geosynchronous orbit 36,000 km above ground: here is the view from its HMI instrument - https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest/latest_4096_HMII.jpg - at 2:30 UTC today (20 May 2023).
#geosynchronous #solardynamicsobservatory #solareclipse
There is a #SolarEclipse happening RIGHT NOW ... not on Earth, though, but for the #SolarDynamicsObservatory in its #geosynchronous orbit 36,000 km above ground: here is the view from its HMI instrument - https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/assets/img/latest/latest_4096_HMII.jpg - at 2:20 UTC today (20 May 2023).
#geosynchronous #solardynamicsobservatory #solareclipse
#SolarDynamicsObservatory was launched #otd 13 years ago to unveil us the majesty of the #Sun.
Our #star, which generated us into being.
There, each day.
#solardynamicsobservatory #otd #sun #star #now #nasa #sdo #astronomy #Astrodon #space #spacecraft
I'm on the verge of losing my fucking mind. I'm going to take this way fucking slow.
Images from the #solardynamicsobservatory
Spacecraft. Sun. Took fuckton of pics.
10th anniversary. NASA.
Highlight vid.
#nasa #solardynamicsobservatory #whatthefuckingfuckingfuckingfuck #whatthefucksun #fuckyeahfuckingnasabitches #thesunisoneunnaturalparalleltimetraveldemonicsamraimifuckinggod
Excuse me, I'm going to be watching this hour long time lapse of the #sun loop untill the #SpringEquinox 🌞
#nasa #SolarDynamicsObservatory #space
Watch "133 Days on the Sun" on YouTube https://youtu.be/Sv3eXRN7hLo
#sun #springequinox #nasa #solardynamicsobservatory #space
[#BotActu] « La Nasa a observé la plus grande éruption solaire depuis deux ans ! Le Soleil semble se réveiller » https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/breves/soleil-nasa-observe-plus-grande-eruption-solaire-depuis-deux-ans-soleil-semble-reveiller-2641/#xtor%3DRSS-8 #solardynamicsobservatory #minimumdactivité #activitésolaire #éruptionsolaire #cyclesolaire #cycle25 #soleil
#BotActu #solardynamicsobservatory #minimumdactivité #activitésolaire #éruptionsolaire #cyclesolaire #cycle25 #soleil