25 Oct 2022 #SolarEclipse2022 from Suffolk, UK. 189 frames taken at 30-second intervals (minus the cloud gaps).
Canon 90D + Celestron NexStar Evolution 8" SCT, wedge mounted.
Here are some photos I took from the #solareclipse on Oct. 25th. The day was rather cloudy so I couldn't see all of it. But there were also some #sunspots visible. If you like to know more, I wrote a short report about it on my website and made this video:
#solareclipse2022 #eclipse #eclipseseason #astronomylover #astronomy #astrophotography
#solareclipse #sunspots #solareclipse2022 #eclipse #eclipseseason #astronomylover #astronomy #astrophotography
The recent partial solar eclipse, as seen from my balcony in Ledbury, #Herefordshire. Taken when the sun just peeked through the clouds for a few seconds before it clouded over again. #SolarEclipse2022 #astrophoto #astrophotgraphy
#astrophotgraphy #astrophoto #solareclipse2022 #Herefordshire