Hari Tulsidas :verified: · @haritulsidas
265 followers · 1431 posts · Server masto.ai

The White House has released a report on researching the impacts of blocking out the sun, also known as solar geoengineering. Solar geoengineering is a hypothetical method of cooling down our overheated planet by continuously spewing reflective aerosol particles into the atmosphere. Many environmental leaders and scientists who study geoengineering oppose it, calling it “outlandish” and “a desperate idea”. thecooldown.com/green-tech/whi

#solargeoengineering #whitehouse #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
6 followers · 13219 posts · Server dromedary.seedoubleyou.me
Pampa · @Pampa
122 followers · 874 posts · Server climatejustice.social


It's cheap, it allows FF states and companies to kick the can down the road, you just have to ignore this bit:

"Not all the possible effects are fully understood, but scientists already know that the aerosols would produce acid rain, and would deteriorate the ozone layer, which according to the UN is helping to prevent more warming.

It would also affect precipitation patterns, potentially exacerbating catastrophic weather systems — already made worse by climate change — in some areas. Other, more catastrophic effects may come to light with further research.

And while reflecting the sun with aerosols would cool the planet, it cannot reverse other effects of climate change, such as ocean acidification."

#geoengineering #solargeoengineering #ClimateChange

Last updated 1 year ago

DW English - Deutsche Welle · @dw
3507 followers · 4091 posts · Server mas.to
Tove Harris · @ToveHarris
126 followers · 483 posts · Server troet.cafe

Solar Geoengineering

Bitte nicht!

"Eine weltumspannende Schicht von Sulfaten wird also enorme Auswirkungen auf den Planeten haben. Die neu kreierten Symptome werden mannigfaltig sein und von großen Unabwägbarkeiten begleitet werden. Sie werden miteinander in Wechselwirkung treten. Unsicherheit wird die Regel sein, nicht die Ausnahme."


#geoengineering #solargeoengineering #klimaschutz #klimakrise #klimawandel

Last updated 1 year ago

2Wolves · @2Wolves
158 followers · 414 posts · Server troet.cafe

Dieses wird in die Hose gehen und hoffentlich werde ich es nicht miterleben müssen.


Last updated 1 year ago

Fedecops · @Federico
14 followers · 475 posts · Server moth.social

🌍☀️ Bill Gates shocks with a bold solution to combat climate change - 'dimming' the sun using solar geoengineering.
A radical idea that could redefine our strategies against global warming.


#climatechange #billgates #solargeoengineering

Last updated 1 year ago

2Wolves · @2Wolves
130 followers · 70 posts · Server troet.cafe

Mit viel Glück werde ich das Desaster nicht mehr miterleben.



Last updated 1 year ago

MatthewToad43 · @matthewtoad43
9 followers · 62 posts · Server climatejustice.social

@wolfgangcramer We need to research , especially SRM.

Moral hazard is a real problem. Politicians *still* use dubious solutions and half-measures (e.g. carbon capture) as an excuse to expand fossil fuel production, and do the same with geoengineering.

But with rapid climate change likely even with fast emission cuts, sooner or later somebody is going to try SAI ( ).

We'll be in a much better position at that point if we have a detailed understanding of what SAI and other solar geoengineering do, and if we have an international governance framework that can authorize it globally if necessary. Even if it doesn't, it is much easier to tell people to follow the rules if there actually *ARE* rules to follow!

The report mentions geopolitical impacts. Which is bureaucratese for "A has a heatwave, deploys SAI, B's harvest fails, all hell breaks loose as A and B are traditional enemies anyway".

A non-use treaty (one of your other links advocates for) is not acceptable because we may genuinely need this. The risks of geoengineering are a serious and currently relatively unknown problem, but the risks of climate change are also enormous. We may well be at the point where even rapid emissions cuts will still lead to massive sea level rise, rapid loss of agricultural productivity, and all the natural disasters we're already seeing.

What would you do if a serious heatwave killed a million of your population? At some point, a nation powerful enough to employ SAI will be hit by a serious disaster. They will have the moral authority to deploy it.

We need the research, and we need a framework for using it but only by a strong global democratic requirement, e.g. a resolution passing the Security Council and the General Assembly with the "yes" faction representing a 2/3 majority of global population.

#geoengineering #solargeoengineering

Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfgang Cramer · @wolfgangcramer
4627 followers · 4088 posts · Server fediscience.org

Worth reading: Congressionally-Mandated Report on Solar Radiation Modification whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updat

"The report cautions that any potential comprehensive research program must encompass the societal as well as the scientific dimensions of solar radiation modification"


Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfgang Cramer · @wolfgangcramer
4552 followers · 3944 posts · Server fediscience.org

The "Overshoot Commission" is talking about . Not everyone thinks it should. climatechangenews.com/2023/06/


Last updated 1 year ago

Inside scoop on
is umbrella term that covers wide range of efforts to alter , usually in some way related . Propping up a melting , for example, could be considered a form of geoengineering.
Solar geoengineering, as you might guess from the name, involves sunlight. Reflecting some of the sun’s radiation back into space could help cool the planet, counteracting the warming caused by

#solargeoengineering #Geoengineering #earth #climatechange #glacier #greenhousegas #emissions

Last updated 1 year ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
28 followers · 912 posts · Server brighteon.social
Martin Holland · @fingolas
706 followers · 910 posts · Server hannover.town

Is Not a Quick Fix for the , New Analysis Shows -

A new study debunks the idea that is a temporary measure to reduce warming and meet climate target.


"But based on the carbon-cutting commitments nations have made under the 2015 , solar geoengineering would likely have to persist for at least a century to keep within a threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, the study found."


#geoengineering #climatecrisis #scientificamerican #solargeoengineering #parisagreement #globalwarming #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

'Only Option' to Cool Planet Within Years
is calling for a large effort to study , but warns it's too dangerous to implement immediately. “Solar geoengineering is about modifying the for everyone”

#Geoengineering #earth #un #solargeoengineering #climate

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy @Revkin · @revkin
1952 followers · 1106 posts · Server mastodon.green

I agree with this call from ~70 researchers in physical and biological sciences to boost research on impacts and options. But they left out key constituencies. What about social scientists? And developing nations? 7 out of 70...??
RT @CorbinHiar
Former NASA director James Hansen, who first warned Congress about the dangers of global warming in 1988, is among more than 60 leading scientists who are…

#srm #sunblock #solargeoengineering

Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfgang Cramer · @wolfgangcramer
4049 followers · 3291 posts · Server fediscience.org

"... making collective decisions on how to deploy this kind of planet-altering technology ... just the opposite of a couple guys grilling sulfur in a parking lot, letting their balloons fly, and trying to turn a profit from it. " theverge.com/2023/2/24/2361329

#solargeoengineering #Geoengineering #SRM

Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfgang Cramer · @wolfgangcramer
4046 followers · 3288 posts · Server fediscience.org
Wolfgang Cramer · @wolfgangcramer
4034 followers · 3259 posts · Server fediscience.org
Peter Roopnarine · @peterroopnarine
184 followers · 958 posts · Server masto.ai