So, with the #solarpunk conference, #solarpunkConference taking place last week, does anyone know if it will be publicly available at any point?
$60 is quite a price for an online ticket, especially given that our last year's #solariseCon was free.
#solarisecon #solarpunkconference #solarpunk
@arielkroon @academicchatter Im very curious, but not that happy about them calling themselves the first virtual Solarpunk conference, after last year's #solarisecon ;)
And i really hope it will not feature any DAOs or NFTs.
@Char cant wait to learn more!
> for the first ever virtual Solarpunk Conference.
We had #solarisecon #solarisecon2022 last year ;)
With the #solarisecon wrapped, we're taking a moment to rest. In the meantime, I'd like to ask you: what #solarpunk topics would you like to see in the future editions?
I'll start with my own ideas, but please feel free to comment with your own ideas:
Thanks to the awesome @milan , all our #solarisecon videos are available at (the last one might be still transcoding, give it a few minutes).
A small writeup on #solarisecon #solarisecon2022 , our #solarpunk conference:
#solarpunk #solarisecon2022 #solarisecon
It looks like #solarisecon has exceeded the #tchncs daily video quota! We'll need to wait a few days to upload the last two videos :) In the meantime, you can use YouTube!
Our #solarisecon is over and all the recordings are up!
You can see them at for the YouTube - and PeerTube is coming up tomorrow (we had some server problems).
Again I'd like to thank everybody involved, all our moderators and panelists, as well as @milan for all the help with PeerTube!
#conference #solarpunk #solarisecon
#SolariseCon was very insightful, especially as a newbie to Solarpunk. Really enjoyed it!
It looks like our #solarisecon PeerTube crashed, but please dont worry! We'll soon reupload the videos to the appropriate channel. Meantime, you can watch the last panel on YouTube:
Food sovereignty FTW!
And also energy sovereignty, and healthcare sovereignty and tech sovereignty.
Building local capacity and relocalising production is the way
Make things where the things are needed. Meeting needs for yourself >> having things available.
#thisisforyoucomradecatilina #solarpunk #solarisecon
Context-dependent technology solutions and applications are the #solarpunk solution.
The most disruptive technology is the one that improves local lives and solves local needs the most.
Going beyond the notion of market value also sounds hella #solarpunk
#solarisecon, our #solarpunk conference starting in 90 minutes! You can find all the links at
An excerpt from "Is Solarpunk just another style?" introduction: