Going to copy @FreiGuy86 and do some top 5 lists.
My top 5 #NES games
① #SolarJetman: I haven't played anything like this amazing game from Ultimate (later Rare). So good.
② #Faxanadu: One of the best-looking games on the system. and a great, epic adventure.
③ #SuperMarioBros3: Set the stage for Mario going forward.
④ #BlasterMaster: My cousin had this one, and like Solar Jetman, there's nothing quite like it.
⑤ #SuperMarioBros: A classic is a classic.
#nes #solarjetman #faxanadu #supermariobros3 #blastermaster #supermariobros #shareyourgames #retro
12: #SolarJetman. Yes, this is the third time it's come up. Everybody really should play this overlooked gem.
@ThisRandomDad @ghostlyash
10: Depends on what kind of mood I'm in. I can't give this s definitive answer, so instead I will once again plug #SolarJetman, which has really interesting and cool gameplay that I haven't seen anywhere else.
3: Two for one.
I actually like #Daikatana and think it's a decent game for what it is, but it got overshadowed by #HalfLife, and also by #JohnRomero's questionable marketing and business management.
#SolarJetman is an amazing #NES game that is generally liked, but I consider it underrated because few people have heard of it.
#daikatana #halflife #johnromero #solarjetman #nes