No sabéis la ilusión que me hace mi última compra: Monje y robot
Con la impecable traducción de @carbaes
#solarpunk en vena 💚 💚
Wenn sie keinen Schatten haben, warum bauen sie dann keinen Solarschirm? #Solarpunk #transformation
I've been looking forward to this game for so long. This will be my Christmas present to myself! 🤩
#pioneersofpagonia #settlers #game #solarpunk
The problem of food production has been solved, one of the great achievements of the agrarian reform. But the ancient fruit trees have not been abandoned and have a new function. Fruit picking campaigns are spaces for empathy. Spaces for sharing and openness are promoted. The older ones pass on #democracy values to the younger ones, simulating small elections, and the more experienced ones share #softtechnology tools with everyone. Everyone contributes to a better #solarpunk society.
#democracy #softtechnology #solarpunk
Another postcard from a #solarpunk future. Leaning in on the postcard thing this time. This is kind of a mix of a traditional photobash and the style I’ve been using/making for a rural cyberpunk comic I’ve been working on. The difference is that this time I kept the source images underneath the line art, and used them for the color, whereas with the comic, I convert each element to lines individually, then combine and draw over them
More info here:
#art #photobash CC-BY
Researchers say they've designed a floating sea farm that can produce freshwater and crops without any human involvement.
I live on a coast where there’s not a huge amount of farmland and am always interested in solutions that could help us increase our local food security. But I wonder how scalable this particular concept is, and I’m curious about the claims that it uses only solar power and seawater to grow crops. 🤔
#farming #ocean #Solar #sustainability #solarpunk
“If you try to change what is meaningful that has a different set of values or ethics, that’s treated as rebellion or trouble-making rather than a hygienic sense of innovation.” - The Manual of Design Fiction
Mhm. Why #AI is seen as "innovation" because it doesn't challenge the values of capitalism, rather it accelerates it. But #solarpunk is rebellion or (good) trouble because it says "Sure, let's use tech, but #biotech and #upcycling and anything that builds a more #sustainable world."
#ai #solarpunk #biotech #upcycling #sustainable
We deliver any quantity of these, for free, to any ReLeaf site (Little Free Library or other suggested location in the Shoal Creek, Waller Creek, and Fort Branch watersheds).
We are currently seeking cooperative members in Austin and beyond to cultivate and provide Tradescantia pallida and other species for free to ReLeaf sites in their local watersheds. Inquire by email: Thanks!
Ce qui permettrait à l'économie de faire son grand switch depuis le consumérisme de biens neufs manufacturés, intenable environnementalement (et là pour le coup, je suis anti-technosolutionniste, on *doit* sortir du consumérisme, c'est pas d'autres biens neufs qui nous sauverons) vers un super monde écolo de services où on a divisé notre consommation de ressources, et en plus on se la coule douce avec revenu minimum et moins de travail. #solarpunk
Mais peut-être que finalement, avoir des robots capables d'autant de dextérité et d'adaptabilité qu'un humain, qui puissent travailler en dehors d'une chaîne de production ultra normée serait la solution. Et ça m'étonne de penser ça, parce que généralement, je suis loin d'être technolosolutionniste. #solarpunk
On peut (doit !) contrer ça avec des taxes qui prennent en compte le coût environnemental, mais à un moment, il faudra faire autrement qu'acheter des produits neuf pour tout problème à résoudre. Et donc, gagner en productivité sur les services, qui dependent aujourd'hui principalement de la dextérité de la main humaine et capacité à prendre des décisions. Une solution serait de les normer, les industrialiser : faire des chaînes de réparation… #solarpunk
Pensée du matin : dans un futur #solarpunk, où l'homme vit en harmonie avec l'environnement, les robots doués de dextérité et d'une forme d'intelligence seront peut-être nécessaires, pour pouvoir diminuer l'importance de l'industrie manufacturière et proposer des services de réparation des objets, d'entretien, d'agriculture sans intrants… En fait, l'industrie est trop efficace : on a trop intérêt économiquement à acheter des produits neufs plutôt que des services réalisés par des humains.
Another story in to one of my favorite outlets. I love this story--hope it finds a home!
💚 ☀️ 🧜 🏳️🌈
#solarpunk #sff #writing #writingcommunity
My dear friend, Farmer Yon, is a lead person at an amazing urban farm in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn (NYC food desert). Look for photos of this wonderful, #antiracist justice-focused cornerstone of community that is a model of #regenerative practice. Totally aligned with #solarpunk .
She was interviewed for a segment of (public radio) Morning Edition last week:
#antiracist #regenerative #solarpunk #sustainability #organic #herbs #farm #agriculture
profile of very #solarpunk-sounding aquaponic farm on the #williamsburg waterfront, across from the former monster island, now trader joe's. the whole waterfront is so corporate that i cynically wonder who actually owns the "river street farm" property, which used to house enormous industrial storage tanks. #brooklyn
#solarpunk #williamsburg #brooklyn
Sooooo, 98by30 then? Time to dissolve the nation states, unionise the corporations, turn them into massive coops, and expand autonomus mutual aid networks, methinks.
#ClimateCrisis #Environment #BiodiversityCrisis #UN #Earth #LifeOnEarth #ABetterWorldIsPossible #Anarchism #Socialism #Cooperatives #UnionPower #AntiState #NoGovernment #SolarPunk
#climatecrisis #environment #biodiversitycrisis #un #earth #lifeonearth #abetterworldispossible #anarchism #socialism #cooperatives #unionpower #antistate #nogovernment #solarpunk
Who knew compressed air could be this exciting? #compressedair #solarpunk #lowtech #energystorage @lowtechmagazine
#compressedair #solarpunk #lowtech #energystorage
Obwohl bei mir die Zeit momentan recht knapp ist, bin ich sehr froh, es gestern auf die "Wetzlarer Tage der Phantastik" geschafft es zu haben. Ein tolles Programm wurde geboten , das diesmal verschiedene Facetten der #ClimateFiction-, aber auch der #Solarpunk-Literatur beleuchtete. Wenn man den Hashtags #PhanTa2023 #PhanBibWZ folgt, kriegt man dazu auch hier Hinweise ....
#phantastik #climatefiction #solarpunk #phanta2023 #phanbibwz
At my brother and SiL’s place this evening, which is rare. Their living room is aesthetically #solarpunk af.
I am an artist and professor of Creative Technologies at Virginia Tech. In my work, I focus on the ways technologies of visualization and control intersect with and threaten #trans lives.
I work in #creativecode, #sculpture, #writing, #artistbooks, and more. Lately I have been doing a lot of #webdev for my projects and in my teaching.
Earlier this year, I combined my #HTML / #CSS / #JavaScript teaching resources into a single (free and open) site that I am really proud of:
I am also interested in #horror, #scifi, #solarpunk, #retrocomputing, #historyoftechnology, #transstudies, #maps, #zines, and #ttrpgs.
#trans #creativecode #sculpture #writing #artistbooks #webdev #html #css #javascript #horror #scifi #solarpunk #retrocomputing #historyoftechnology #transstudies #maps #zines #ttrpgs #introductions