Are you ready when the lights go out? Rare #solarstorm could fry #powergrids, warns British physicist #Prepping #GridDown
#solarstorm #powergrids #prepping #GridDown
Heute am 16 August 23 will die Ampel Regierung das Beschließen, wobei ich persönlich AgriPv bevorzuge Solarstrom & Landwirtschaft #solar #bkw #balkonsolar #ffb #ampel #solarstorm #landwirtschaft #agripv #simon #Bayern #energie #landtagswahlkampf #deutschlandtempo
#solar #bkw #balkonsolar #ffb #ampel #solarstorm #landwirtschaft #AgriPV #Simon #bayern #energie #landtagswahlkampf #deutschlandtempo
🌾🌍 New preprint: We looked at how #yield will change after events that would disrupt our #ElectricalGrid globally, like a #SolarStorm. Yields globally could drop 40-50 %, with some regions like #CentralEurope declining by up to 75 %🌾🌍 #FoodSecurity #agriculture #GlobalCatastrophicRisk
#globalcatastrophicrisk #agriculture #foodsecurity #centraleurope #solarstorm #ElectricalGrid #Yield
In March this year, #NASA announced a new artificial intelligence model capable of predicting where on Earth a #SolarStorm may strike, giving scientists up to 30 minutes of advanced warning.
Space weather has been known to cause power outages and disrupt satellite function. Live Science tells us how a very powerful solar storm could wipe out the internet.
#Space #Sun #SolarStorm
Solar storm on Thursday expected to make Northern Lights visible in 17 states
A #solarstorm forecast for Thursday is expected to give skygazers in 17 American states a chance to glimpse the #NorthernLights, the colorful sky show that happens when #solarwind hits the atmosphere
Light displays are expected to be visible overhead in Wisconsin Minnesota, Montana, and low on the horizon in Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Maryland; and Indiana , according to the institute.
#solarstorm #northernlights #solarwind
Gizmodo: The Northern Lights Will Travel South on Thursday #atmosphereofearth #planetaryscience #solarphenomena #spaceweather #spaceplasmas #lightsources #environment #solarstorm #atmosphere #solarcycle #solarwind #rankin #helena #aurora #sun
#atmosphereofearth #planetaryscience #solarphenomena #spaceweather #spaceplasmas #lightsources #environment #solarstorm #atmosphere #solarcycle #solarwind #rankin #helena #aurora #sun
These New Computer Simulations of the Sun are Hypnotic #coronalmassejection #magneticfields #supercomputer #spaceweather #solarcycle #solarstorm #spacecraft #science #thesun #sun
#coronalmassejection #magneticfields #supercomputer #spaceweather #solarcycle #solarstorm #spacecraft #science #thesun #sun
Prepare before #SHTF: #NASA can only give a warning 30 minutes before a killer #solarstorm #preparedness
#SHTF #NASA #solarstorm #preparedness
Empfehlung die Eltec Messe in Nürnberg zb Elektromobilität die auch im Gewerbe immer wichtiger wird und die Wärmewende Überschuss PV oder Wärmepumpe #eltec #eltec23 #messe #elektro #Photovoltaik #solar #solarstorm #simon #waermewende #waermepumpe #effizenz #GEG
#eltec #eltec23 #messe #elektro #photovoltaik #solar #solarstorm #Simon #Waermewende #waermepumpe #effizenz #GEG
I may be hot and bothered over this view of the sun. Look at those spots, please, just look at them. Aren't they beautiful?
#sunspots #sunspot #SolarObserving #solarstorm #thesun
#sunspots #sunspot #solarobserving #solarstorm #thesun
Oh look, there's more sunspots.
#SolarObserving #sun #sunspot #sunspots #solarstorm
#solarobserving #sun #sunspot #sunspots #solarstorm
I missed solar observing, and it seems now is the perfect time!
#solarstorm #SolarObserving #sun #sunspot #sunspots
#solarstorm #solarobserving #sun #sunspot #sunspots
#SolarWind Data Assimilation in an Operational Context - Use of Near-Real-Time Data and the Forecast Value of an #L5 Monitor: -> Space missions set to improve #SolarStorm forecasts:
☢️ #RadiationProtection : Scientists 👨🔬 warned that the #risk of a devastating #SolarStorm ☀️ is #increasing as we approach the next “solar maximum” – a peak 📈 in the #Sun's 11-year activity cycle.
#radiationprotection #risk #solarstorm #increasing #sun
"The unusually high levels of #SolarStorm activity meant the Aurora Australis could be viewed far farther north than the lights are typically seen, and in cities where light pollution would normally render them invisible."
#AuroraAustralis lights up #NewZealand skies in spectacular ‘solar tsunami’ | #Sun | The Guardian
#sun #newzealand #auroraaustralis #solarstorm
Haven't stretched the #dipole #antenna out this far in a long while. But after that #SolarStorm, the #MaxUsableFrequency numbers are pretty low.
#dipole #antenna #solarstorm #maxusablefrequency #js8call #40meters #HamRadio
Aurora from just outside Tucson, Arizona.
Colors enhanced to bring out structure.
This was just _barely_ visible with the naked eye, like a tiny hint of red in area with light pollution (yellow-ish in the picture).
Equipment: Nikon D750 w/ Tamron SP 45mm f/1.8 Di VC USD
Settings: ISO 400, f/1.8, 30s
#astrophotography #aurora #northernlights #solarstorm
The Bureau of Meteorology's Space Weather Service track solar storms, and this one has been a doozy!
The top index is global, and the bottom index is Australian.
Somebody has certainly pissed off the Sun God, Ra as he screams towards the Solar Maximum.
#aurora #solarstorm #geomagneticstorm #solarmax #Astrodon
A few days back, the Sun unleashed an Earth directed flare. It took a few days to arrive, but it finally came in the early hours of this morning.
Aurora have lit up the world since!
Astrophotographers have captured them in Victoria, Tasmania. The below Gorgeous photo by AsV member Eddie Pang was captured using iPhone 14 Pro of this morning’s aurora captured at the Astro. Society of Victoria's Leon Mow dark sky site north of Heathcote (VIC)
In the north, they are reporting aurora as far south as Kansas!
#aurora #solarstorm #geomagneticstorm #solarmax #Astrodon