Lots of talk about the noetic effect of sin in #Reformed circles but very little talk of the noetic effects of #SolaScriptura.
Turns out when everything has to come in a straight line from the book, you can't/won't understand how the traditions that interpret the book are constructed, and what that construction was for.
There's this tendency among Reformed folk to just assume their tradition is the sola scriptura one, any evidence to the contrary be damned.
"Der Kern des Christentums ist laut ChatGPT übrigens sehr einfach: 'Die Bibel verkündet Gottes Liebe.'"
ChatGPT ist offenbar protestantisch - evangelisch/evangelikal geprägt - jedenfalls nicht römisch-katholisch oder orthodox. (;
Why will I always listen to and give absolute priority to #Scripture before any #word written or spoken by people (even scholars)?
Because no merely human word can make this claim:
“The Lord’s word is flawless” (Ps. 18:30; NIV)
#scripture #word #bible #solascriptura