@dj_doughy is now streaming Art on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/dj_doughy
Doughy Does - dj_doughy - #Solder, prep for #KnobCon, #CustomPCB
#solder #knobcon #custompcb #artstream #twitch #gsg #art
@dj_doughy is now streaming Art on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/dj_doughy
Doughy Does - dj_doughy - #Solder, prep for #KnobCon, #CustomPCB
#solder #knobcon #custompcb #artstream #twitch #gsg #art
@dj_doughy is now streaming Art on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/dj_doughy
Doughy Does - dj_doughy - #Solder, prep for #KnobCon, #CustomPCB
#solder #knobcon #custompcb #artstream #twitch #gsg #art
That’s what I do the day before we leave with the camper. We can wash hands again!
Hackaday Prize 2023: One-Handed Soldering with the Solder Sustainer - For a lot of us, soldering has become so ingrained that it’s muscle memory. We kno... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/04/hackaday-prize-2023-one-handed-soldering-with-the-solder-sustainer/ #2023hackadayprize #thehackadayprize #onehanded #soldering #contests #extruder #feeder #solder
#solder #feeder #extruder #contests #soldering #onehanded #thehackadayprize #2023hackadayprize
A Simple One-Handed Solder Feeder - Soldering can get frustrating when you’re working fast. It often feels like you do... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/27/a-simple-one-handed-solder-feeder/ #mischacks #toolhacks #soldering #solder #tools
#tools #solder #soldering #toolhacks #mischacks
Would someone like to help me spend money on some good solder?
I just ordered a the new QRP Labs QMX kit and I know from building the QCX Mini in Feburary that I'm going to run out of the solder I have before I can complete the QMX. I think I'd prefer something thinner, I had been using 0.8mm diameter, and to get a big spool that I can put in a desktop dispenser.
LED Matrix Displays Get New Look Thanks to SMD Stencils - Even if surface-mount skills aren’t in your repertoire, chances are pretty good th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/28/led-matrix-displays-get-new-look-thanks-to-smd-stencils/ #illustrator #ledhacks #stencil #matrix #solder #adobe #led #smd
#smd #led #adobe #solder #matrix #stencil #ledhacks #illustrator
Finessing a Soldering Iron to Remove Large Connectors - One of the first tools that is added to a toolbox when working on electronics, per... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/17/finessing-a-soldering-iron-to-remove-large-connectors/ #solderingiron #desoldering #toolhacks #connector #solder #tools #blob #wire #pcb
#pcb #wire #blob #tools #solder #connector #toolhacks #desoldering #solderingiron
Finessing a Soldering Iron to Remove Large Connectors https://hackaday.com/2023/03/17/finessing-a-soldering-iron-to-remove-large-connectors/ #solderingiron #desoldering #ToolHacks #connector #solder #tools #blob #wire #pcb
#solderingiron #desoldering #ToolHacks #connector #solder #tools #blob #wire #pcb
Soldering USB-C connectors by hand be like:
#usb #usbc #connector #typec #parrrot #parrots #animals #solder #soldering #electronics #bird #birds
#usb #usbc #connector #typec #parrrot #parrots #animals #solder #soldering #electronics #bird #birds
Today's submission for bad ideas in stock #photos and #advertising: a toddler at a workbench where a #solder vacuum tool is being used.
Lead poisoning, burns, etc. I'm sure it's all safe.
You solder the final links, each etched with Enochian runes. “My masterpiece,” you proclaim. “This will hold any demon—or any angel, if you’re so inclined. And it’ll only cost you a king's ransom.”
You hold the chain out to the saint. For something so blasphemous, it is very light.
#vss365 #solder #CrowTales (king’s ransom) #vss #writing #MicroFiction
#microfiction #writing #VSS #crowtales #solder #vss365
The voices came with the mist,
slipped past the guards
asleep, whispering incantations into their dreams. And as the snow fell silently, the voices soldered invisible chains together, and into the village they crept, full of dark omens & dread.
I've been told before, on other missions, to screw my courage to the sticking #place. Now I'm all out of screws. Have you any heat? I can #solder my shit together with the scraps of metal we find.
Wait, what is covering this mine? A sentient alien goo?
Quick! Douse the flame! I need my courage detached so I can drop it and run the hell away!
Soldering iron--
But one of the many tools
that terrify me.
#Tool #Tools
#Haiku #Senryu #Poetry #TinyPoems #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompts #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting #MicroPoetry #Writing #WritingCommunity #PoetryCommunity
#poetrycommunity #writingcommunity #writing #micropoetry #amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #prompts #poets #smallpoems #tinypoems #poetry #Senryu #haiku #tools #tool #solder #vss365
A ball of #solder, from a bad connection, broke off & rolled across the circuit board. The robot went haywire.
There were screams as the mindless robot charged back and forth across the deck of the Truck Stop. Tau whined as he tried to see how to reach the controls.
The Better Angels constructed a human pyramid as the robot charged forward. Tau leapt up, kicked off, and turned a somersault, striking the emergency stop with his muzzle.
Cheers erupted. Tau & the Better Angels took a bow.