Caitlin Waddick · @CaitlinWaddick
194 followers · 2699 posts · Server

AME, : “Dear colleagues,
"Solidarity Economy: Alternative Spaces, Power and Politics, co-edited by Ana Margarida Esteves, Tom Henfrey , Luciane Lucas Dos Santos and Leonardo Leal, will be available … from Routledge on September 29, 2023. Item will ship after October 20, 2023. …ebook version. Meanwhile, you can take a look at the Table of Contents and abstracts for each chapter on this link:


Last updated 1 year ago

Josh Davis · @GuerillaOntologist
552 followers · 6774 posts · Server

:TwinPines: We'll be talking and Transformative Change on next Monday's GEO Livesteam.


Last updated 1 year ago

Caitlin Waddick · @CaitlinWaddick
194 followers · 2699 posts · Server

Is anyone at in ? The in-person speaker schedule looked great. I wasn’t as inspired by the virtual conference program, but I’ll take another look: it starts tomorrow. More are considering “non-reformist reforms”, such as and and even —gasp! — . Cheers to the and all the ways we can do and and .

#socialism2023 #chicago #socialists #publicbanking #participatorybudgeting #cooperatives #solidarityeconomy #PeopleCare #futurecare #earthcare #love #BoundlessRegenerativeCulture #permaculture

Last updated 1 year ago

sasha · @is0metries
2 followers · 3 posts · Server

Dreaming about a platform to foster and free exchange of goods & services ? You can use our public server or deploy your own instance, and start sharing in your community. Navigate the map to discover existing free resources or requests, or add yours. + Filters + searching tools + online chat.

#notforprofit #mutualaid #solidarityeconomy #gifteconomy #diverseeconomies #communityeconomies #emancipation #free #opensource #postcapitalism #OpenStreetMap #maps

Last updated 1 year ago

Keep calling! (954) 424 - 0242

You may have seen that Biden has announced what he calls “extreme heat protections” but what we know to be simply creating a dedicated paperwork definition of heat related deaths rather than filing it as a general workplace hazard. There is no new policy, just a small difference in the paperwork.

However the only people in the world who will notice a change are those who fill out said paperwork: the OSHA employees. This ironically gives us an opportunity to put pressure on the South Florida OSHA employees to do something. So keep calling!

Say his name! Efraín López García

OSHA inaction

Call OSHA FTL and urge them to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working Efraín López García to death!

(954) 424-0242 (choose language then press 0 to speak with an operator, then ask to speak to/leave a message for Eastmond Condell, the SFL area director)

Hi I am calling about a case from July 13 of this year, inspection number 1682870.015, in which a worker died of heatstroke.

*wait for them to find the case*

I urge you to issue a significant citation against Dang Farms for working this young man to death. His name was Efraín López García, he was 29 years old and he deserves justice. I am concerned that workers are still in danger of heat related illness and deaths will continue without swift and decisive action from OSHA.

#efrainlopezgarcia #dangdeathcamp #rafaelslavedriverslumlordbarajas #hendrixhellhole #jimjillpurgatory #QueCalor #wekeepussafe #abolishice #solidarityeconomy #degrowth #landback #capitalismiskillingus #abolishcapitalism #downwiththestate #abolishborders #phonezap #miami #southflorida #florida #actionalert

Last updated 1 year ago

Oriol Piera · @cortsenc
222 followers · 251 posts · Server
Chris · @muir
152 followers · 838 posts · Server

The Social and Movement: Perspectives from the U.S., Spain and Latin America


Last updated 1 year ago

Josh Davis · @GuerillaOntologist
539 followers · 6523 posts · Server

:TwinPines: with Prof. Jessica Gordon-Nembhard:


Last updated 1 year ago

YUMYODA · @yumyoda
3 followers · 21 posts · Server

If this game succeeds, it is, for me, such a flex. This has to shout in some people's faces that I am here to play the game as a strategist who feels underappreciated (and I am not fucking around). Dedication is evident when one spends hours after hours researching data, learning about historical events, and seeing communities that are now and actively participating in a "." Boy'o boy, the work is tightening up.

This is the index to the personal game guide. This wouldn't be public, but I had to share the details. I am grateful and humble to obtain the privilege and capacity for this. The last section is about 20 pages, that is the Booklet which would be public. I'm almost done with the design and will be printing it in the next couple of days.

#solidarityeconomy #sovereignty

Last updated 1 year ago

YUMYODA · @yumyoda
3 followers · 20 posts · Server

Advocating for voting to prevent the rise of fascists is a strategy aimed at protecting democratic values and preventing the harmful consequences associated with fascist ideologies. It does not imply an endorsement of capitalism in its current form but rather seeks to safeguard the fundamental principles of equality, justice, and human rights.

Simultaneously, building alternative economic models, such as the solidarity economy, can be a valid approach to addressing the limitations and negative impacts of capitalism. These alternative models prioritize cooperation, community empowerment, and sustainable practices.

Voting can play a role in supporting initiatives and policies that promote economic alternatives and resource distribution in line with the principles of the solidarity economy. By electing officials who champion such ideas, you can advocate for the allocation of resources to support the development and growth of alternative economic systems.

In summary, voting to prevent the rise of fascists and advocating for alternative economic models are not mutually exclusive. Both approaches can work in tandem to challenge the flaws of capitalism and create a more just and equitable society.

#solidarityeconomy #capitalism #MutualAid #cooperative #communitybuilding

Last updated 1 year ago

Adam Greenfield · @adamgreenfield
2009 followers · 5915 posts · Server

So this is something I’ve just tripped over that tickles a certain part of my mind, that I also think a whole bunch of you would be interested in & probably have not heard of – it seems like it might be useful in mapping out the distributed functions and institutions of a local or .

#solidarityeconomy #circulareconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

YUMYODA · @yumyoda
3 followers · 19 posts · Server

In communities facing mortgage distress and a high state-incarcerated population in NYC, implementing solidarity economy initiatives can play a vital role in addressing the challenges and promoting community resilience. Here are some potential initiatives that could be beneficial:

Community Land Trusts: Establishing community land trusts can help address housing affordability and stability. By acquiring and collectively managing land and housing, community members can ensure long-term affordability and prevent displacement.

Cooperative Housing: Encouraging cooperative housing models, such as limited equity cooperatives or mutual housing associations, can provide residents with more control over their housing situation and reduce reliance on traditional mortgage financing.

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs): Supporting local CDFIs that specialize in providing affordable loans and financial services to underserved communities can help individuals and small businesses in mortgage distress access capital and build financial stability.

Reentry Support Programs: Developing reentry programs and initiatives that focus on providing resources and support to formerly incarcerated individuals can facilitate their successful transition back into society. This can include job training, employment opportunities, and access to affordable housing.

Cooperative Businesses: Encouraging the development of worker cooperatives and community-owned businesses can provide economic opportunities, job creation, and income generation within the community.

Legal Aid and Tenant Advocacy: Strengthening legal aid services and tenant advocacy organizations can help protect the rights of tenants facing eviction or housing instability, ensuring they have access to legal representation and support.

Restorative Justice Programs: Promoting restorative justice practices within the criminal justice system can offer alternatives to incarceration and focus on rehabilitation, addressing the root causes of crime, and promoting community healing.

These initiatives can foster community empowerment, address systemic inequalities, and promote economic and social justice. It is important to involve community members directly in the decision-making process, ensuring that initiatives are tailored to their specific needs and aspirations. Collaborating with local organizations, grassroots movements, and government agencies can help leverage resources and support for these initiatives in NYC.

#communitylandtrust #communitygarden #MutualAid #foodcooperative #WorkerCooperative #clt #Anarchist #leftist #communist #socialist #radical #restorativejustice #solidarityeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Cheyenna Layne Weber · @cheyenna
120 followers · 67 posts · Server

Much of this also applies to organizations that are run democratically by members, tho many might not recognize them as "base orgs." A Sacred Trust: Being a Paid Staff Person of a Base Organization


Last updated 1 year ago

Matt Noyes · @Matt_Noyes
607 followers · 9824 posts · Server

Happy to be in the second community of practice gathering of the Solidarity Economy Principles and Practices.

#sepp #solidarityeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Sunshine · @benSunshine
45 followers · 245 posts · Server

Zum Glück machen den Läusen an unseren Silberdisteln und anderem Staudem deb Garaus. Ein leckeres Essen! Bisher scheinen die Ameisen, die die Blattläuse dort kultivieren gegem sie zu verlieren. 🐞

#marienkafer #solidarityeconomy #urbangardening #solawi #mehalsgmues #gardening

Last updated 1 year ago

YUMYODA · @yumyoda
1 followers · 18 posts · Server

The connection between Community Land Trusts, Community Gardens, Mutual Aid, and Food Cooperatives lies in their shared focus on community empowerment, self-sufficiency, and sustainable practices. By establishing a community garden on land secured through a community land trust, community members can actively engage in local food production. Mutual aid networks can provide support and resources to gardeners and extend their assistance to other community needs. Food cooperatives can then become outlets for distributing the locally grown produce, creating a cycle of community support and sustainable food systems. Together, these initiatives promote resilience, community building, and a sense of ownership over local resources.

#communitylandtrust #communitygarden #MutualAid #foodcooperative #WorkerCooperative #clt #Anarchist #leftist #communist #socialist #radical #restorativejustice #solidarityeconomy

Last updated 1 year ago

ecosentido · @ecosentido
256 followers · 1852 posts · Server

La Negra del Norte is just one of the several -managed enterprises that have come to life… by the Union of Popular Economy Workers (UTEP).

It is a union without bosses, which brings together people who are excluded from the labor market and who try to survive day-to-day with precarious, informal work due to the brutal inflation that hits the poor especially hard.

#solidarityeconomy #cooperatives #self

Last updated 1 year ago