International Trade Secretary,
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war in Yemen! #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
Prime Minister:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the ongoing war in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
Foreign Secretary:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war being waged in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi
Foreign Secretary:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war being waged in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi
Prime Minister:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the ongoing war in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
International Trade Secretary,
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war in Yemen! #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
International Trade Secretary,
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war in Yemen! #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
Prime Minister:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the ongoing war in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
Foreign Secretary:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war being waged in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
Foreign Secretary:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war being waged in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
Prime Minister:
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the ongoing war in Yemen. #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
International Trade Secretary,
Stop the illegal sale of weapons to the Saudi- coalition for the war in Yemen! #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #CAATgoestoCourt
#solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caatgoestocourt
🚨 Exportation d’armes : l’association Campaign Against Arms Trade conteste la décision du gouvernement 🇬🇧 d'exporter des armes vers l’Arabie saoudite alors que le pays commet des violations du droit international humanitaire au #Yémen
👉Début des audiences aujourd’hui ! #stoparmingsaudi #solidaritywithyemen
#yemen #stoparmingsaudi #solidaritywithyemen
Yesterday joined protests against arms trade
As part of #CAAT UK day of action calling for #StopArmingSaudi and #SolidarityWithYemen
#XRPeaceBristol and #BristolAgainstArmsTrade organised a tour of shame
#ThalesUK, #Leonardo_UK, #BAESystemsplc & #MBDA, #Airbus & #RollsRoyce
UK supplied arms worth > ÂŁ23 bn to Saudi Arabia since war in Yemen began; >8,983 civilians killed by coalition,
#rollsroyce #airbus #mbda #baesystemsplc #leonardo_uk #thalesuk #bristolagainstarmstrade #xrpeacebristol #solidaritywithyemen #stoparmingsaudi #caat