Well, our garbage was picked up last night or this morning. Recycling & yard waste (the storm-related stuff from August) is still out there. #labor #DurhamNC #SolidWaste https://abc11.com/nc-durham-sanitation-workers-day-2-no-trash-pickup-demand-pay-increase/13750078/
Amazing new article on #Interdependencies between #Transport, #Water, and #SolidWaste #Infrastructure Systems by Poornima Jayasinghe, EIT and Lina Kattan: https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures8040076
#interdependencies #transport #water #solidwaste #infrastructure
For #SoutheastAsia, #solidwaste proliferation and increasingly ltd. #landfill space has invited the idea of #WTE incineration as a major solution. Advocates say argue
that 'developed' nations use WTE to harness power as a by-product of the process; But the critiques are salient,
1) Regulatory monitoring, compliance/enforcement of #toxicair releases for #ASEAN nations are ltd. at best.
2) The activity can serve to gaslight the #pollution #impact(s) of #linear #economy.
#southeastasia #solidwaste #landfill #wte #toxicair #ASEAN #pollution #impact #linear #economy
#solidwaste #citycounty #bloomington #monroecounty #sludge #WasteToEnergy
The 2022 #EPI categorical #WasteManagement #index gauges a country's self-awareness of threats from #solidwaste and #ocean #plasticswaste, and #recycling need. #Luxembourg ranks 1 w/an index=79.1. Here's how #ASEAN nations ranked and scored,
#Singapore 7, EPI=71.7
#Brunei 38, EPI=59.7
#Malaysia 84, EPI=33.8
#Indonesia 96, EPI=29.5
#Thailand 100, EPI=28.5
#Vietnam 111, EPI=25.6
#Philippines 116, EPI=23.4
#Lao PDR 130, EPI=16.4
#Cambodia 144, EPI=13.7
#Myanmar 167, EPI=8.2
#EPI #wastemanagement #index #solidwaste #ocean #plasticswaste #recycling #luxembourg #ASEAN #singapore #brunei #malaysia #indonesia #Thailand #vietnam #philippines #lao #cambodia #myanmar
December 2022 saw Souksaveuy Keotiamchanh win the #Women of the #Future Award #SoutheastAsia in #Singapore. Ms. Keotiamchanh in 2019 founded #ZeroWaste #Laos, a #CSO who partners w/over 100 youth and international organisations, esp. Green Girls of Laos who, through 'capacity-building, knowledge-sharing, and policy advising help raise awareness of #solidwaste management, and work w/#civilsociety to achieve #environmental #sustainability. #SDGs #SDG11 #SDG16
#women #future #southeastasia #singapore #zerowaste #laos #cso #solidwaste #environmental #sustainability #sdgs #SDG11 #SDG16
In #Indonesia #artistic expression is a #cultural and #spiritual mainstay. Sadly, so to is #solidwaste #pollution. 2019, 210 tonnes of waste shipment from #Brisbane to #Surabaya Port was the impetus for a mobilisation by Indonesian artists in #Australia to protest this action in the form of #art work developed from #plasticswaste. Harnessing the power of #civilsociety & art to help fight #pollution is critical. #plasticology
#indonesia #artistic #cultural #spiritual #solidwaste #pollution #brisbane #surabaya #australia #art #plasticswaste #civilsociety #plasticology
A recent photojournalism piece showcased a #solidwaste #cleanup initiative of Tonlé Sap Lake by young #khmers
belonging to communities in Pursat Province, #Cambodia. Publicising a new generational awareness of the fight against #wastepollution. Conversely, annual volunteer waste collection efforts, sadly have had little net benefit, e.g., the Khmer nation's 2020 #wastemanagement #EPI issue category score was 0.0, w/a global ranking = 133/180. #p2
#solidwaste #CleanUp #khmers #cambodia #wastepollution #wastemanagement #EPI #p2
2nd only to #China as a #global source of #marine #plasticspollution, #Indonesia generates ~8 million tonnes of #plasticswaste per year (>50% mismanaged), while 13 intertwining rivers in #Jakarta incl. the #Cituram (world's most polluted) are filled w/ #solidwaste ~75% of which is #plastics. That's ~10g per capita, and adds up fast given the city's 10 million residents. This dubious distinction for city & nation further tarnishes the #ASEAN region.
#china #global #marine #plasticspollution #indonesia #plasticswaste #jakarta #Cituram #solidwaste #plastics #ASEAN
#UNODC in collab. w/ the #EU #UNEP and #UNITAR have begun to publish periodic information bulletins largely highlighting issues and trends w/#illegal #solidwaste #trade happening btwn. EU and #ASEAN violators. Bulletin 1 eyes key challenges in #Indonesia #Malaysia #Thailand #Vietnam,
1.Ltd. tracking/tracing capacity of shipments
2.waste concealment/mislabelling/misdeclaring
3.Insufficient #enforcement capacity
4.Ltd. govt. punitive mechanisms
5.organised #crime
#unodc #eu #unep #unitar #solidwaste #trade #ASEAN #indonesia #malaysia #Thailand #vietnam #enforcement #crime #SDG16
The 2020 #EPI score and rankings tabulation show that among #ASEAN nations only #Singapore and #Malaysia have effective #wastemanagement systems w/scores of 99.6 and 81.4, respectively. 8 other nations in the region score from below 50 to 0. What's peculiar is that according to #ourworldindata Malaysia's per capita rate of mismgnd. #plasticswaste is among the highest in #SEAsia (~60X that of the #LionCity nationstate) which doesn't exactly jibe w/an overall system of effective #solidwaste mgmnt.
#EPI #ASEAN #singapore #malaysia #wastemanagement #ourworldindata #plasticswaste #seasia #lioncity #solidwaste
A 2022 #UNESCAP report found the #pandemic to have a measurable negative effect on #SDG efforts w/in the #AsiaPacific region. Despite some increases in available indicator data (by country), there remains a global region-wide lag. For South-East Asia there was a nearly 40% absence or insufficiency of data. Also observed was a regional reversal of indicator progress for #SDG6 #SDG11 and #SDG12, UN goals that call for reductions in #solidwaste & other #toxic #pollution.
#unescap #pandemic #sdg #AsiaPacific #sdg6 #SDG11 #SDG12 #solidwaste #toxic #pollution
Summer 2022 saw 130 metric tonnes of #solidwaste illegally shipped to #Thailand by a paper producing co. in #Australia. A policy allowance of 'select operations' of #plastics #recycling co.'s in Thailand has offered a legal loophole often exploited by private entities from 'developed' western nations. The violation arose from a signif. % of contam. waste. A new law will heavily curb recycl.plnts, decommission #landfills w/the idea of upscaling waste for #biomass power.
#solidwaste #Thailand #australia #plastics #recycling #landfills #biomass
With a 7-fold increase in #solidwaste over the last 40 yrs., and space in #Semakau, (#Singapore's only #landfill) projected to runout by 2035, the country's govt. has developed a nationwide '2030 #sustainability plan' that looks to incorporate a #zerowaste-target masterplan calling for a transition from linear to #closedloop (#cleanerproduction), and #CircularEconomy. #ASEANsustainable #SDG12 #SDG11
#solidwaste #semakau #singapore #landfill #sustainability #zerowaste #closedloop #cleanerproduction #CircularEconomy #ASEANsustainable #SDG12 #SDG11
Challenges in #solidwaste mgmnt (SWM) (policy vs practical action) was reported in a 2021 study examin. 4 barangays in #CebuCity. 8 SWM measures were eval., Key findings includ.,
1. Inconsistency in waste segr., collection, #recycling
2. Unseparated #toxic and non-toxic waste.
3. Uncollctd. waste openly incin.
4. Ltd. composting edu
5. Absence of incentives/lmtd. fines
6. Widespr. govt. public awareness cmpgns.
7.Ltd.infrastr/training/ resources for proper final disp.
#solidwaste #cebucity #recycling #toxic
The 2022 'Get Clean and Green' report looks at the state of #wastemanagement in #LaoPDR, and its shortcomings. Key pts. incl.,
1. #Vientiane saw #solidwaste incr. by 66% from 2000 to 2015.
2. 40-60% Vientiane and 80% #LuangPrabang solid waste ended in #landfill.
3. No govt-based #recycling prgm. Industry-based only.
4. COVID-induced decline in recycl. and an incr. in #singleuse #plastics.
5. No centralised wste mngmnt scheme.
6. #WorldBank offers an #NPAP Roadmap #SDGs
#sdgs #npap #worldbank #plastics #singleuse #recycling #landfill #luangprabang #solidwaste #vientiane #LaoPDR #wastemanagement
An example of how to combine #fairtrade with #sustainability. #Borneo #Nature Foundation and CIMTROP-University of Palangka Raya have been partnering w/women from the Village of Kereng Bengkirai to create econ. opportunity by purchase of #Purun baskets as a replacement for #plastic polybags, used in cultivating native seedlings to reforest Sebangau Ntnl. Forest. Reducing #solidwaste, #p2, fighting climate chaos, and facilitating econ. liveability all at the same time.
#p2 #solidwaste #plastic #Purun #nature #Borneo #sustainability #fairtrade
"River pollution is nothing new" [in #SEAsia]. This is an unacceptable commentary almost capitulating the state of #WaterResources and #EcosystemServices throughout #ASEAN. Decades of industrialisation and #urbanisation continue to put immense env. pressure on thousands of km of waterways from #solidwaste, #toxic effluent, heavy trace metals, #pesticides, and more. Evidence broadly pts to an almost entire absence of #sustainability incorp. into econ. growth and dvlpmt.
#sustainability #pesticides #toxic #solidwaste #urbanisation #ASEAN #EcosystemServices #WaterResources #seasia
#Brunei was recently reported as among the best nations for low #pollution-related mortality. A 2020 review from Lee et al., showcased its effective legal frameworks for handling #diseasesurveillance and #cleanwater/sanitation, but challenges persist regarding incr. risk from vehicle-sourced #airpollution, lack of a comprehensive reg. platform to handle growing amts. of #solidwaste incl. #ewaste, and 'high' avg. #pesticides EIR-IS readings reported by #ThreePercentEarth.
#ThreePercentEarth #pesticides #ewaste #solidwaste #airpollution #cleanwater #diseasesurveillance #pollution #brunei