Hi all my name is Stu, I am an engineer who builds stainless steel conveyor guards with #solidworks
I love open source software and using Linux
I am a huge fan of #music
I have also started back into #skateboarding
#Introduction #solidworks #music #skateboarding
Does anyone have suggestions for the best file format to share files created from #freecad to #solidworks ?
#foss #cad #askfedi #solidworks #freecad
Learning #Blender tonight watching videos and playing around with some of my existing #Solidworks files.
Quickly realizing as I tinker with the node editor for materials and various features why people do this from their desktop monitors and not a 13" tablet on the couch. Great window management, but ideal having everything visible at once. 🎥
Been thinking of monetizing my CNC woodworks and making some wooden intarsia projects, such as magnets.
I wanted to throw in something cheapish and easy as a fun, cute bonus gift and what better way than some little cement fly magnets??!
Other ideas are roaches and maybe moths - perfect additions to anyone's kitchen, if you ask me!
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. So I design #starships on company time
#starships #enterpise #startrek #solidworks
Digitale Optimierung von Blechbauteilen: Jetzt auch mit Baugruppenanalyse und SolidWorks CAD-Plugin
https://www.giesserei-praxis.de/news-artikel/artikel/digitale-optimierung-von-blechbauteilen #Blechbearbeitung #Digitalisierung #Machbarkeitsanalyse #Baugruppen #Solidworks @Optimate_GmbH via @giessereipraxis
#blechbearbeitung #Digitalisierung #machbarkeitsanalyse #baugruppen #solidworks
@F1N3Y_Designs I'm an Engineer myself and I also work with #solidworks and #autocad
My name is lisa.
- #introvert
- #direct
- #ocd
- #goofy
- #nerd
I'm a design and development technician in the day.
Experience with:
- #avakin
- #imvu
- #skyrim
- #oblivion
- #assasinscreed
- #digitaldesign
- #Gimp
- #krita
- #blender
Creative mind.
#introduction #introvert #direct #ocd #goofy #nerd #inventor #solidworks #autocad #datacad #computers #gaming #avakin #imvu #skyrim #oblivion #assasinscreed #digitaldesign #gimp #krita #3dmodelingsoftware #blender
I'm interested in learning 3D modeling software (solid modeling specifically), but I come from a slightly unusual place. I'm curious if anyone here has thoughts.
What I'd really like is basically Adobe Illustrator for 3D, but with one addendum: good dimensioning. I used to do graphic design and my new hobby is combat robotics. The most important use for me is 3D printing robot chassis.
#3dmodeling #plasticity #moi3d #fusion360 #solidworks #tinkercad
#3dmodeling #plasticity #moi3d #fusion360 #solidworks #tinkercad
I've come to the stage that I really want to migrate to a Linux distribution. I'm hating everyday that I've to use Windows but engineering programs are taking captive me in this s**thole.
Some might say that aren't you aware of FreeCAD, Salome, Elmer, OpenFOAM etc. Yes, I'm aware but I'm not sure how are they compatible with the programs that used in the industry.
If any engineers out there in the wide world of the fediverse, I'm asking you for your guidence.
Boosts are appriciated for the wider reach.
#askfedi #engineering #linux #windows #freecad #salome #elmer #openfoam #solidworks #autocad #matlab
#askfedi #engineering #linux #windows #freecad #salome #elmer #openfoam #solidworks #autocad #matlab
I'm making a model of a tennis ball. The challenges for me:
Extruding a round object
Making a continuous cut of consistent depth on a curved surface
It needs to have that seam or it won't seem right 😉
If you're in the #DurhamNC area, this looks like a fun #job working with #3DPrinting and #fabrication. #Onsite not remote.
#SOLIDWORKS #Inventor #Fusion360 #Onshape #CAD #Maker #Makers
#makers #maker #cad #onshape #fusion360 #inventor #solidworks #onsite #fabrication #3dprinting #job #durhamnc
Here is #SOLIDWORKS Model Mania® 2010 (Phase 1) #3D model made with both #SolveSpace & #FreeCAD apps used together.
SolveSpace has a great sketch tool for quick draw & constraint geometry, but NURBS solid operation sometime fails.
What to do?
💡 In SolveSpace make two intersected extrusion groups as "assemble" & export each solid into separate STEP (STP) file.
In FreeCAD use "Shape builder" to convert each STEP "Product" > "Faces to shape" > "Shape to solid". "Intersect" two solids. Add "Fillet".
#solidworks #3d #solvespace #freecad
I designed and #3dprinted a holder for my AirPods 3 that can be placed over an IKEA Livboj wireless charger.
It was designed in #Solidworks and printed on a #Prusa MINI.
I’ll post the design on #printables later this week.
#3dprinted #solidworks #prusa #Printables
Trying to get some design work going. Solidworks keep jamming on startup. fustration. #engineering #solidworks #CAE #computerproblems
#engineering #solidworks #cae #computerproblems
Pro Tip : Si vous voulez installer #Solidworks et que les VC++ redist 2019 vous plantent l'installation en disant qu'une version plus récente est déjà installée, téléchargez les dernière version chez MS et remplacez les dans l'image administrative.
Pas merci Microsoft pour ce comportement débile de vos installeurs…
https://www.engineersrule.com/update-on-the-solidworks-2023-auto-mate-command/ - Toss out those broken mates blues! Solidworks 2023 has a new Auto-Mate tool to clean up broken mates. #solidworks #assemblies #3dCAD
#solidworks #assemblies #3dcad
Started learning #Blender. After two years of working in #Solidworks, blender feels like a #poetry. I feel relaxed with this, although I don't position myself as a creative person.
I've been trying to use the "Cloud" version of Solidworks for "Makers" and I just can't believe how bad it is. It's so slow and clunky. I wish they'd just do a lite version of the full program like Autodesk does with Fusion 360. I really want to use Solidworks but I'm stuck using Fusion because it's what I can afford.
#3ddesign #3dprinting #solidworks #fusion360